Style for Soldiers Private dinner at Le Caprice, London 2016
Senior figures in the British Fashion and Military world met at Le Caprice restaurant in support of Style for Soldiers, a charity set up by Jermyn Street shirtmaker Emma Willis in 2008, only the second time Le Caprice have given a private dinner.
Ricky Fergusson and Matt Weston
Regularly visiting the Military Rehabilitation Hospital at the height of the casualties from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Emma endeavoured to use her bespoke shirt making experience to provide the young injured servicemen and women with well fitting, beautifully made shirts, a year later meeting demand with walking sticks and hats to cover head injuries.
The Charity has gone from strength to strength, keeping in touch with the hundreds of young men and women who have incurred life changing injuries and medical discharge from their careers, and now host the biggest reunion Christmas party for they and their families in St.James London.
Lt. Alex Horsfall and Emma Willis
Style for Soldiers is supported by TRH's The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall, who have sponsored the black ebony walking sticks, with orthopaedic buffalo horn handles and silver collar engraved with initials and regiments, and have written personal letters thanking the charity for its work.
With the help of Ambassador David Gandy and Patron Lisa Armstrong, Emma has engaged several great British brands to give the full, smart interview 'uniform', as medical discharge from the military necessitates the start of a new career in an unfamiliar world.
This year Marks and Spencer CEO Steve Rowe and Head of Menswear Scott Fyfe pledged their immediate and ongoing support with £400 online gift vouchers for the young men to choose their finest suit or a complete work / interview outfit, assuring Emma and David ( Face of M & S menswear) that "No one must go short."
New Style for Soldiers partners also attending the dinner were Stuart and Grania Bromley pledges 50 pairs of their new Tan Calf 'Oak' Brogue lace ups or Black Calf 'Redwood' Oxford lace ups, Ryan Palmer of The London Sock Company, James Lock Hats, Mulberry, Duke and Dexter, Birline Watches and Alice made this, whose gifts of watches, cufflinks and socks awaited the attending servicemen at their dinner places.
Andy Nilsson of Birline watches and Style for Soldiers Ambassador Andy Reid
Guest of honour were The Rt. Hon Iain Duncan Smith, Lord George Robertson former Labour Minister of Defence, Field Marshals Lord Guthrie and Sir Michael Walker and Mr Porter's Toby Bateman who have supported Style for Soldiers since 2009, funding the reunion parties and producing the stunning portraits exhibited at Le Caprice for the evening by Boo George and Ben Weller.
Emma Willis and The Rt. Hon Iain Duncan Smith
GQ Fashion Editor Grace Gilfeather sat next to Pierre Lagrange, of Huntsman, who has given 15 bespoke suits to the injured servicemen.
Moving speeches were made by Captain Tom Hutton and formerly of The 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Shaun Stocker, who lost both legs and most of his vision by an IED blast serving in Afghanistan. Lisa Armstrong read words by fellow Patron Lt. General Sir George Norton and Jeremy Bowen concluded dinner with riveting stories of his experiences in the Middle East, and his admiration for the work Style for Soldiers has achieved supporting those injured in conflict.
Captain Tom Hutton
Shaun Stocker
Lisa Armstrong