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Servicemen and Women's Letters of Thanks

You don't need me to say it again but just because I likely won't see you until October; SFS has made and continues to make a huge difference to the lives of those medically discharged from the Forces over the past 15 years. Thanks for being our shining light and long may the Christmas parties remain...

- Anon.

Do know that all the men and women you support are eternally grateful for the years of love and support. No other military Charity is so personal as Style for Soldiers because you are always there to speak to.

- Anon.

I’ve been very lucky to have received so much from you, and I feel like I must give something back. The suit that was made while I was wearing a prosthetic is my favourite suit I’ve ever owned, and it made me feel normal again. Because of the way it was tailored, I wasn’t conscious that people could tell that I was wearing a prosthesis. Although I’ve been wheelchair bound for nearly a year now due to 9 follow up operations, I have been fortunate to find time to go to the Christmas reunion last year and to attend my first summer cocktail party just last month.

- Anon.

Once again you have gone above and beyond. With the support of the Duke of Bedford and the Veterans Foundation families were provided with amazing accommodation, a tasty lunch and a full day of entertainment at Woburn Safari Park.

- Anon.

Those Christmas parties have been some of the most healing positive and motivational events I've ever been to, meeting people who have similar issues and some of the inspiration from those who injuries are way worse than mine have allowed me to push myself harder than I have ever been.

- Anon.

I really want you to know you've been one of the biggest helps towards my recovery not only when I was walking with the walking stick and you gave me that one that actually made it look fashionable to fit into my tuxedo shirt during my wedding made me feel so much more comfortable. Above all, the group of people you reintroduced me to that I lost touch with and their ability to move past serious injuries has shown me the motivation to keep on trying and pushing on my recovery.

- Anon.

Hi guys,

I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone at Style for Solider for my amazing suit. I got to wear it to the wedding of a very close friend last month, and it was incredible to have a suit that not only fitted over my prosthetic, but looked EPIC.  

I can’t thank you enough, it might sound dramatic and over the top, but it really made me feel normal again.  

Thank you so much.


Dear Emma, 

I was recently on Instagram and saw the reel you posted. I’m incredibly proud of you and your work and felt compelled to write to you. 

It cannot be understated as to how a simple thing like a shirt, can help to make a man feel more confident and safe. 

It may seem “trivial” to many, but as a former uniformed officer myself, I am acutely aware of the importance of being able to “fit in”, whilst out-of-uniform. 

These men have undergone absolute hell, and the level of kindness and compassion you display is extraordinary. -Anon. 


I am writing to say thank you so so much for the beautiful scarfs you sent me. It was such an amazing surprise and i think im in shock. The colours are lovely and the material is so soft to touch. Emma your kindness is unbelievable and appreciated a lot. You made me the most exquisite blue silk shirt when we met at Headley Court a few years ago now and now you have sent me these. I feel so special. Probably by far the nicest items of clothing I have and they are all down to you. What you and everyone else does at Style for soldiers is truly amazing. Your gift to me has honestly cheered me up so much and I'm certain anyone else who has ever received a gift from you would have also felt the same way. It really is great what you do and thank you so much once again.

I would like to thank you and behalf of my wife and myself for a wonderful day yesterday at York Races. My wife said this morning that it was what we needed in terms of a relaxing enjoyable day together away from the work life.
I will be forever indebted to you for what you have done for me and the Style For Soldiers in aiding our rehabilitation and mental strength. Without amazing people such as yourself and your team a lot of military/veterans would have lost our way ( I certainly know I would ) so thank you so so much for supporting us, inviting us to events cause it greatly matters to be involved and feel part of something.
I wish you the very best and honestly can’t thank you enough.

- Simon 


It was nice having the opportunity to say hello and speak with you when you visited us  all at the Style For Soldiers Raceday yesterday.  It was most generous of you to provide our group with the York Racecourse Committee’s Box at the Ebor Stand which gave us a fantastic view overlooking the Winning Post and also over the racecourse as a whole.  As a Yorkshire man and former soldier who served in The Prince of Wales own Regiment of Yorkshire which is now The Yorkshire Regiment, it was a very special day for me with the presence of my former regiment very much at the forefront of yesterday’s race day. In addition to watching the races it allowed me to catch up with one or two of my very old friends. Thank you. 

- Martin


All in all a great experience, Thank you to you and your team for making it happen, we really enjoyed our time in York. Thank Holly for sending some style my way, I never would have managed to look so good without her input. We hope to see you at the next event they are the highlights of our year.
I would also like to thank Emma for making this event happen for us, it makes a difference to the our lives and those who come to events like this one, it makes people feel normal and wanted and that is truly a noble calling.I am a man of few words so thank you again, I hope to attend York races again even if not in the same luxurious surroundings.

- Charles

Thank you for all that you do. You and your team’s  incredible work has made a huge difference to our life’s and I am extremely grateful.

- Ben

Thank you for organising this event, it was absolutely fantastic! It was great to meet up with familiar and new faces as always, really looking forward to the next event. 
I will attach the very few images we got, we were having so much fun the phones/ cameras hardly came out.

Again, thank you. I and my partner really appreciate the time, effort and funds that go into these events. Thank you!

Shame you weren’t there to enjoy the day with us all, hope to see you at the next one. 

- Jake 

I write a very belated thank you, to you, the trustees and all at Style for Soldiers who have been so very generous with your support in helping me to become the first ever para qualifying athlete to represent England Polo.

I am extremely grateful for the funding that allowed me to represent England, twice, being able to take my horses to compete at the European Championships, where we were the only team with a disabled player and finished as silver medalists, qualifying to play in the first ever Womens Polo World Championships held last month in Argentina. Again, I was the only disabled athlete at the Championships, competing alongside able bodied athletes from across the globe, and your generous funding was so gratefully received, to help me to get out to Argentina to compete. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make a dream become reality and set an example for other people facing injury, challenge and adversity.

At the World Championships the England team finished in a medal position, with bronze, beating Italy in the final seconds of the silver plate match, after our only loss in the tournament, by 1 goal in the semi finals, to the USA. Another amazing achievement for the team and also personally, considering I was given no advantages or adjustments, in comparison with the other athletes, nor was I playing my own horses.  I can hardly find the words to say thank you, nor to say how proud I am of myself and the other England girls for all the hard work we put into the Championships.



I am writing to say thank you so so much for the beautiful scarfs you sent me. It was such an amazing surprise and i think I'm in shock. The colours are lovely and the material is so soft to touch. Emma your kindness is unbelievable and appreciated a lot. You made me the most exquisite blue silk shirt when we met at Headly Court a few years ago now and now you have sent me these. I feel so special. Probably by far the nicest items of clothing I have and they are all down to you. What you and everyone else does at Style for soldiers is truly amazing. Your gift to me has honestly cheered me up so much and I'm certain anyone else who has ever received a gift from you would have also felt the same way. It really is great what you do and thank you so much once again. 

- Laura


Today, I took delivery of the shirt you sent me. What a pleasant surprise!

Thank you, not only for this kind gesture but for the continued support over the years, it’s incredibly humbling.

For quite a few years now, those who were injured during the Afghan/Iraq years have been forgotten about….. but certainly not by you.

Since my initial injury in Afghan in 2010, I’ve had 7 major ops and unfortunately, I’m just waiting for a date for my eighth, which will be my fourth spinal op! Therefore, whilst I wait from my bed at home for a date to come through which should be in the next few weeks, this delivery was perfectly timed to lift my mood.

Please pass on my thanks to your team. Excellent work!

Regards and best wishes,

- Craig


I just wanted to write an email to say thank you for my shirts.I work in a school and wear a shirt and tie all day so looking smart is a big part of what I do. You always feel slightly self conscious with your prosthetic leg and trousers so something like a nice fitting shirt makes you feel that little more confident so you can take on the day and be the best version of you. Then in turn you can help students be the best version of them. Clothes can truly make you feel better about yourself and allow you to carry that confidence on to others.I look forward to seeing you all soon, hopefully at Christmas time if the world allows.My warmest regards, - SimonDear Emma,Yesterday I got home from work and was greeted by an unexpected parcel!  Thank you SO much for the lovely gift and the card from Casey.  Very kind and thoughtful.Looking forward to seeing you guys at your Xmas party.Kindest Regards,- Steve Morning Emma,

I got the gifts that you sent me yesterday evening. I just wanted to say thank you so much, I look forward to lock down easing up here so I can get all dolled up with my new shirts. Once again thank you so much, you really did put a smile on my face.

Cheers-Paul Dear Emma, I received my present from you today. Thank you very much for that. I immediately sent a thank you card to you from Funky Pigeon. I am sorry, I think I forgot to put my full name on it to let you know it was from me. I have a brain injury and am very slow at realising things before it is too late.You also gifted me some nice fluoride free toothpaste, which is great because I only use fluoride free. Another also: I have had to keep my scarf close to me as my wife has taken a liking to it. I will share it on my terms though.Words can not express my gratitude. I can only say thank you. Your kindness has come at the right time during these strange times.I hope you and your loved ones are well.Many thanks,-Gary BullEvening Emma, Just though, I drop email to say hi :) I hope you are well and glad things are starting to return back to normal for you with work :) you and your team have do a fantastic job with the making and providing scrubs for the NHS over the past 14 months. Recently I was chatting to a very good friend of mine who is a Chelsea Pensioner and this words were very moving and made me think of the hard work your team have done over the past year :) “It is amazing how this country, has come together and helping era have other in a unseen difficult time; but we came together, it was very much like the WW2 spirit of the people during the darkest hours of the Blitz, makes us Proud to be British”.  Anyway, I hope you are well. And hopefully soon we can meet for the first time. Kind regards 
- Ben

Hello Emma, 

Firstly I hope you are well, and busy as always. Just like to say a huge thank you for my parcel which arrived this morning. It was so unexpected and has put a huge smile on my face, thank you. 

I look forward to meeting in the near future, once restrictions have been relaxed again. 

Kind regards,

- Ben



Hi Emma

I just received the most amazing gift through the post today.
A stylish Emma Willis shirt and tie.
This has cheered me up no end as I am in isolation at present.
Hopefully I will wear these at my daughter's wedding in April.

Thank you very much.

- Andy



Hi Emma and Kristal,

Many thanks for the shirt and the tie. I really appreciate it very much. May God continue to bless the work of your hands and prosper whatever you do and invest in.

Thanks once again.

- Frederick




Dear Emma and everyone at Style for Soldiers,

Well......what can I say?! Amongst all the doom and gloom currently plaguing the earth I arrived home from work to find an amazing shirt and tie from Style for Soldiers waiting for me. Working in law enforcement, particularly now can be quite challenging and I cannot tell you how much this brought my day, week and month up! To receive such a beautiful gift means so much and I genuinely cannot thank you all enough. I cannot wait to be able to find an opportunity to wear it.  

Ever grateful, 

- Yianni



Dear Emma and Team,

I would just like to start by saying THANK YOU!!

I this week had a delivery land on my door, this took me by surprise. 

Inside said parcel was a beautiful shirt and tie. 

What you and the team do for the veteran community is beyond amazing. Having such high end shirts and accessories is something that is  really is appreciated and we wear with pride and style! 

During the current global crisis we all face, these gestures are something to put smiles on peoples faces and make them feel proud not only to have served, but to have had contact with you guys!! 

You really make a difference and it doesn’t go unnoticed nor unappreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Keep safe, keep healthy.

Best regards

- Robbie




Just a quick note to say thanks so much for the shirt and tie that came for me. It was a lovely unexpected surprise, and I really appreciate you thinking of me. Sending lots of good wishes to everyone at this strange time.

- Paul



Hello Emma 

Thank you so much for the shirt and tie it made my day opening the parcel 

Kind regards 

- Mark



‘Your parties are so wonderful and next year’s will be extra special!’ 

- Andy 



Thank you so so much to Style for Soldiers and to Kristal for her positive 

messages and supporting you in organising such amazing events and dealing with all our 

questions. It's a shame that we will not all be able to meet but totally sensible decision due to the ever changing Covid virus.

 Hazel and I really hope that Covid is not effecting the successful business you have built up. I am glad that I am not in a position to work still. The uncertainty about employment would not help my coping mechanism. The 2 m rule etc in some ways has helped me cope when leaving my home! Less anxiety when having to do a food shop. 

We both wish you and your families well, to stay safe and thank you to all who support Style for Soldiers. A big thank you to you Emma for taking to your heart the welfare of all 3 Services for so many years who have become what I call myself  "damaged goods "

Love to you all for kindness and amazing support. Early Christmas wishes and to meeting in 2021.

- Andrew and Hazel



Thank you Emma 

Kristal and your team are amazing.



Thank you so much for Woburn safari park, my friends little boy Max really enjoyed himself see the animals and his lovely packed lunch. Thank you so much for the hotel and breakfast it was amazing and thank you to The Duke for his kindness

 Yours sincerely 

- Ben Roberts xxx



Thank you for the update, difficult times ahead, you all do an amazing job.

Take care and stay safe.


- Mark and Jo xx



Dear Emma,

 Thank you for your email, we are both truly sorry to hear that the annual Christmas Party is not happening, for good albeit unfortunate reason.  Zee and I had assumed that functions would be cancelled or postponed when the new rules came into effect.  

The Style for Soldiers Christmas Party has always been a favourite of mine and since Zee came as my +1 for her first one last year, it became a favourite of hers too, we both enjoy dressing up and meeting people and old friends. 

I do hope that Style for Soldiers is coping well in this current and unfortunate time, I hope an end is in sight, sooner rather than later. We shall in the meantime look forward to next year's gatherings I'm sure everyone will have so much to talk about. 

Kindest regards, as ever 

- Dan



Thanks for everything you have done for us wounded veterans. 

Have a merry Christmas. 

Love and best wishes

- Eddie McMahon xxx



Dear Emma and Kristal, 

Just like to say thank you for sending me a beautiful white shirt.  I love it and it was nice to receive the shirt on my birthday.  Both of you are brilliant and outstanding work you do for all us veterans.  

 Looking forward to seeing you both next year at the style for soldiers events.  

 Keep safe and well 

 Best regards 

 - John



Hi Emma,

Hope you’re well. I just wanted to say that I wore the shirt that you very kindly gave me for the first time on a date last night and it felt great - it was such a treat. Thank you for giving me that confidence in life back that had been ripped out.

My business is going well and as I said before if you or your team ever need anything doing please let me know.

Kind Regards,

- Jimmy



Evening Emma,

Firstly like to say thank you again, for the Suit and shoes looking very forward to the shirts arriving. Jade was wonderful and so welcoming , I felt relaxed straight away from walking into your shop. Especially after the meeting I had at a Whitehall with regards to veterans recovery on mental health - I have been asked to return to Whitehall and help further with the veterans affairs project too.

Once again, thank you so much for everything.

- Ben



Good evening Emma and Style for Soldiers team,

First of all my apologies for the delay in getting this note over to yourselves.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for putting on yet another amazing Christmas reunion!! Once again you have all out done yourselves - It was truly phenomenal!!! Jade and I once again had a brilliant time and we couldn't be more thankful for your kind invitation and generosity. We had such a great time catching up with everyone that your reunions are always a highlight for us both.

Thank you once again we look forward to seeing you all again shortly.


- Dan -x-x-



Hi Emma,

Its Darren here from yesterday's visit.

I would just like to say a massive thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for ex service personnel. Martin has told me a lot about you and the great work you do whilst we are out and about on our adventures or training.

When you asked Jade to measure me up for a shirt I was taken back.  I never imagined I would have the pleasure of wearing a tailored made shirt. The whole experience of picking material/patterns and being measured was one I shall never forget. When it arrives I cant decide whether to frame it or wear it!

Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better you then invited my wife and I to the function in a couple of weeks. It has been a long long time since we both attended a function of this style and can not wait for the 10th Dec to arrive. I have cancelled all plans for this weekend so I can visit M&S for a new suite! 

Yesterday's meeting with David was one of apprehension for me.  I have always been the "grey man" and have never really spoken about my "dark periods" and emotions regarding my Military Service.

I did visit my GP a few months ago who through a meeting with Veterans UK diagnosed me with PTSD. When the diagnosis was read to me by my GP I felt that a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, my family and I finally had an explanation for my behaviour.  Since this diagnosis my quality of life is improving and so is my relationship with my family.  

Sat in that room yesterday with the other Veterans and listening to David gave me yet another lift! I have taken a lot away with me from listening to David and shall spend many days pondering over his talk.

When we walked back to your shop I was chatting with Dave (ex RM) listening to him was like listening to myself.  It was frightening to think someone else has the same thoughts and troubles as I do yet reassuring at the same time.

After yesterday I feel totally spoilt and guilty. I am not one for receiving help or very generous gifts. I am usually the one dishing out the advice and treating my family and colleagues. 

One last thing Emma.  Could you please apologise to your fantastic team.  When I came to leave we did the two cheek kiss.  As I haven't done this for sometime I know I accidentally kissed a couple of ears by mistake! Please apologise for this lack of aim, I shall brush up on my Marksmanship Principles! Lol.

Once again Emma I can not thank you enough for yesterday and all you do.

If there is anything I can do for you please ask, I shall be on the first train to London.

Stay safe,

- Darren.


Hello Emma,

Thank you so much for everything yesterday I am very happy and thankful for everything you did for me, my brother Luke is also very happy and he thanks you for inviting him to the reunion and giving him one of your shirts. 

Thank you greatly,

- Adam 


Dear Emma,

I trust you are well.

Nothing much to say, just thought I would write a line to check on you.

We are all well and hope you are keeping well too.

In our thoughts and forever grateful for all your help and generosity.

Thank you

Kind Regards,

- Maggie

and family xxx


Good evening Emma and the team,

I’m so sorry to say, I’m unable to attend this year.  I go in Hospital for more surgery on the 7 Nov 2019, nerve grafts with Miss Crick, and feel it might be too soon.  I just can’t thank you enough for how you have made me feel over the last twelve months in attending events and of course, making me feeling like a king, all dapper, suited and booted – confidence is by far 100% plus when suited.  Honestly, I’m lost for words but overwhelmed and humbled by your kind hearts...

I wish you all the best for the Christmas, & the Party of course but even more so, for 2020, here is to good health and happiness....

All our love,

- Michael and Emma


Trust you’re well. I received my two S4S shirts at the weekend...thank you so much. They are absolutely beautiful and the popper instead of the top button makes life so much easier. It really is tremendous, generous and humbling. Thank you and all your team very much and hopefully we’ll meet so that I can say thank you in person. 

All the very best,

- Oscar

Dear Emma,

Thank you so much for the shirt that fits perfectly the tie and cuff links set it off lovely. This means so much to me because as they say Northern Ireland is the forgotten war. I get very low at times having had no real help in the last 48yrs. As I say I cannot thank you enough for the lovely gifts it’s really lifted my spirits and made my day. 

Kindest regards,

- Fred Jeffreys

I and my family would like to express our sincere gratitude to you and your team for such a wonderful lunch at the Safari Hut and a night stay at the quiet and lovely Woburn Hotel.

Thank you once again and God Bless you all.

Kindest Regards,

- Ekow

Dear Emma, 

Thank you so much for an amazing day at Woburn safari, we truly had an awesome day, the kids loved it. We spent most of the day with Dave,Stacy and there lovely children Jack and Amelia. 

It’s aways great to see the smiles on all the children’s faces and family’s having fun, you can spot them all around the safari, with there amazing sock monkeys. 

Thank you once again Emma,

much love

- The Tarten-Hughes family xx

Just a quick email to say thank you to you and the team for another wonderful trip. The Woburn Hotel was amazing as was the safari Park and bbq. 
Thank you for all you do. 

Kev has a picture of us with he sock monkeys and I mean it when I say without yourselves and kev I don't know where I would be. 

Thanks again

- The Conde's

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all for inviting my family and friends over at the safari park. We had a good time and really appreciate you for taking the time to organising the barbecue and also providing us with a wonderful hotel.

Many thanks.


- Frederick

Just wanted to say thank you to you all for a lovely day today. We had such amazing day lunch was lovely and my boys loved their teddies.
Hotel was fantastic a real treat for us all as a family to just relax and not worry about anything for a while.

Thank you to you all

Kind Regards,

- Greg

Please thank Emma for a fantastic day me and my wife had at Woburn Safari Park. It was topped off with a lovely barbecue meal. 


- Ian


Good morning Emma,

I am writing to thank you for organising the Invictus UK trials BIG GIG with Eliot on Monday evening. I only managed a quick hello with you before the event started, but managed to bump into Eliot at the swimming on Thursday to thank him personally on an amazing evening that started off the week with a bang.

Hopefully you managed to get to see some of the events during the week and saw the amazing things that can happen when you give people hope and belief. I bumped into  old friends and made many new and without people like you giving up your time things like this would not happen and we would be content keeping within our safe little bubble and not pushing ourselves to get out there to push the possible.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart,
Best wishes,
- Ian

You might recall I was made redundant earlier this year. However, after 179 applications I have secured a new job at TFL.
The tools that I learnt at David’s motivation and well-being workshop played a huge part in me constantly moving forward despite the barrage of “thanks, but no thanks”; and of course the lucky shirt.

- Mel


Style for Soldiers continues to support and encourage me out of my comfort zone. I’d not been to London in ten years and the workshop provided me an invaluable opportunity to make changes to my daily routines allowing me to move forward in life.

- John

Thank you for all that you did to help organise and run last weeks Style for Soldiers Summer dinner. It was another excellent evening catching up with friends and making new ones. I hope you were able to enjoy the evening. I would also like to pass on my thanks to Matt for being so instrumental in getting Burberry on board and for Burberry’s very generous donation of costs.

Thank you again for your time, effort, compassion and kindness.

Very best wishes,

- Fran

Your events make me feel special, and I haven’t felt special for a very long time.

- Andy 

Morning Emma,

The Style for Soldiers dinner night was a great evening.

It was the first dinner night me and my wife Heather have been too. Heather had such a great time that night she was able to put some personal stuff to the back of her mind for a short time.
The two of us feel bad for not chatting to you that night. Every time we wanted to people were pulling you different ways to talk to you. It’s means so much to Heather the money you gave her to buy a new dress honestly Emma it meant the world to her.

From me and Heather we can’t thank you enough for an amazing night.

Thank you

- Chris

Good evening Emma, Kristal and team,

I wanted to thank you once again on behalf of Jade and myself for your kind invitation to the Style for Soldiers Summer Dinner in Gloucester.

It was a truly fantastic evening and I can't thank you enough for the efforts that you all put into to organising such events and creating such experiences/memories for everyone that is lucky enough to be able to attend. It was truly amazing to have the opportunity to catch up with so many friends that without your events, we simply would not get to see, largely due to work commitments and geography. The unrelenting work and support that you provide is an inspiration to all and the thanks and appreciation could be clearly seen on the faces of everyone there. You are literally giving hope and changing the lives and wellbeing of injured serviceman and their loved ones.      

Once again a heart-felt thank you for organising and hosting such an amazing event. It was truly incredible and somehow, they get better year upon year. 

Forever grateful

- Dan


Dear Style for Soldiers,
We would like to say a massive thank you for an amazing evening on Friday night at the get together. The meal was lovely and the hotel, we really enjoyed it. Thank you also for the Burberry coats, we haven’t had a chance to wear them yet but love them. We can’t wait to see more pictures up on social media.

Thank you so much for everything that you do for our veterans

Many thanks

- Dan and Sarah Phillips

Good evening Kristal,

Thank you and Emma for another amazing Style for Soldiers Summer party in Gloucester. I can’t believe we were given Burberry coats it’s an amazing gift to be given i’m so grateful and humbled to be thought of and i’m very lucky to be invited to these events every year.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to us veterans and the charity, I really had a good laugh with you as always and looking forward to more laughter.  Xxx Cant thank you both enough i’m so grateful xx 

- Ben Roberts

Hi Kristal,

I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye tonight as I went to look for a taxi and one was waiting for me there and then. So I had to take it otherwise a big wait would have happened. 
I just wanted to say thank you to you and to Emma. So please pass on my thanks to her.

It was a great night and so well laid out and the food was amazing!! Plus thank you to all involved with the Burberry coats....I think everyone was delighted with receiving them. 
I hope you enjoyed the rest of your evening and please pass on my apologies to Emma too for not saying goodbye and thank you in person. 

Best wishes,

- Gavin Watson

Good morning Kristal,

Thank you very much for a very enjoyable evening. 
I would like to add that Martin looks very handsome and smart in his beautiful Burberry coat.  We both appreciate the hard work you and Emma do to create a memorable experience for everyone.

Kind regards,

- Helen Hailstone 


Good morning Kristal,

I would like you extend my grateful thanks to Style for Soldiers for last night my first venue and most certainly not my last had a great time and was lovely to see Emma again and meet yourself. Thank you once again for a great evening.

Kindest regards,

- Jon

Hi Kristal and Emma

1st of all thank you so so much for last night, once again it was an amazing night, I'm sorry I couldn't chat for longer. Everyone made Sally Anne feel at home and that was great. Sally also passes on her gratitude and really looks forward to seeing you all again.

It's so humbling being part of SFS and really proud to be part of the family.

Here's to the next one,

Best wishes

- Graham.X

Good evening Emma and Kristal,

Myself and Mike would like to thank you both for inviting us last night. We had a fantastic time and met a lot of lovely new people.
We are very grateful for the opportunity to meet and socialise with people who can understand what we are dealing with.
The opportunities and support you offer are fantastic. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

Many thanks

- Claire and Mike Brewster

Hello Kristal,

Great to see everyone last night had a fantastic time,
Look forward to seeing you again soon. And thanks again to you and Emma. X

All the best,

- James Tattingham x

Good morning, 

Thank you so much for the invite to last nights summer dinner. 
Myself and my wife had a great time, it was lovely to meet everyone. 

Thanks again, 

- Simon

Hi Kristal,

If you could pass on our thanks to Emma and everyone involved who helped make Friday evening a success then that would be appreciated. We had a lovely time and it was nice to see some familiar faces once again. The Burberry coat was a lovely gesture and a nice surprise.

Thank you once again and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.


- Lee Milburn



What can I say that hasn't been said already! The dedication and hard work that went in to staging the Summer dinner at Hatherley Manor was incredible. I met many friends and some new ones who were at their first dinner; their feedback was incredibly complimentary.

I felt like a magpie, clambering for a beautiful Burberry coat; I think too much champagne was the culprit!
Once again a heart felt thank you to you, the sponsors and the guests who made the Summer Party special. It is so important for 'us' who confront a daily struggle with physical and mental issues, but you make it so worthwhile.

- Danny

Dear Kristal,

It was lovely to meet you on Friday night, and thank you for such a warm welcome and fantastic event.  Kate and I had a wonderful night out, met some old friends and made some new ones too.  Emma, yourself and your team of helpers are doing a fantastic job and I will write separately to express our gratitude properly.
We very much look forward to seeing you again a future events.

Many thanks, and best wishes,

- Pete & Kate

Hi Emma and Kristal,

Just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you so much for Friday night. Paul and I had a really amazing time and enjoyed every minute of it.
I’ve had a stressful last few years with him working overseas since he left the Royal Marines, but he came home for good in April. He found out on Thursday that he’s got a job working as a Cover Supervisor in a local high school so Friday night just topped off a great week for us! It was so nice to see old friends and make new ones, and we’re so grateful for you putting in the time & effort to organise such a good night for everyone.

A million thanks again,

- Lorna (and Paul) Trickett

Hi Kristal, I would just like to say thank you to you and Emma for such a wonderful evening I really enjoyed the occasion and to receive a lovely jacket from Burberry was just amazing. Please pass on my thanks to Emma and to your self for giving me the opportunity to be part off it . It was really lovely to meet so many people at the event. Can you please send me yours and Emma address so I can send a letter of thanks X

- Dominic

Good evening Emma and Kristal,

I hope you are well and have recovered having organised another incredible evening.
The events get better each time and the impact they are having on the lives of others are so powerful. I am truly grateful to you and Kristal for the effort you have and continue to put into all of us.

- David O’Mahoney

It's with a smile I write this to you Emma for your wonderful evening you provided at Hatherley Manor.

Its the second group  meal I have attended with my lovely lady Hazel. We both want to thank you for all your effort. The venue was beautiful and meal scrummy! We also shared a table with wonderful people and made some new friends.

May we also say big thank you to Kristal for all her help and her remembering me proposing to Hazel on a plane in January. We were both proud to hear of Andrew's MBE and to hear his gratitude to his wife . Partners do have to suffer our moods, anger and frustrations. They are Heroes in their own right. Further thanks go to all the Supporters you introduced and to the lady from Burberry. 
Hazel made me a very proud man to hold her hand Friday as she normally does not do dresses. She was and is beautiful and my best friend. All this has been a huge change for her and I can not be more grateful. Last 7 months have put a lot of pressure on our relationship to the point she gave up her job 10 weeks ago to stay with me as she was scared to leave me alone. 
Friday evening was a great reason to get Hazel dressed up and for her to relax. I introduced her to Jamie Hull who like everyone else has done so much to get a life back. Hazel and I had a wonderful evening all due to you Emma.

We both send our love to you and your Team and your Charity Supporters

- Andrew and Hazel

Dearest Emma, Kristal and S4S

Amanda and I had the most amazing night at this year’s S4S Summer Party. It was lovely to catch up with everyone and I also managed to arrange with Stewart Hill to come along to Pirbright and deliver a my story/inspirational/motivational speech to the Army Training Regiment, I sure that will surprise a lot of soldiers of all ranks especially how so theatrical he delivers.
I had a lovely chat with Richard and he vowed to play golf with me if I complete the 5828 press ups, which relates to soldiers enlisted into the Army. I hope I raise the same amount in money for this awesome charity too.

The night went so quick, and I’m sorry we didn’t really get to chat as you had to rush off at the end of the night when I finally got to talk to you.
Also, thank you with all our heart for your kind £100 donation to go towards Amanda buying an outfit, which she managed to purchase two.  
We are so grateful to be part of this special, amazing and clearly the finest charity on this planet - Fact!

Love you guys


- Phil and Amanda xxx

Good morning Emma and Kristal

I hope you are both well, and had a great weekend!
The event on Friday was amazing, you truly are both brilliant!

Have a great day, lots of love

Michaela and Tom Hall x


Oh what a night! Probably the best yet and it didn’t finish until 3 am at the hotel so sore heads all around. Many thanks for the tireless work you and the team continue to put in, it is hugely appreciated by all. 
The trench coats were a huge success and it was funny to see 2 being worn at breakfast. Being a spotter in military history I was aware of the connection to the first trench coats produced pre WWI but all I got from Danny Kaye and Co was Police jokes about Inspector Gadgets and Closeau! 

As an aside I was struck at the number of guys who are rapidly becoming veterans now and I am sure the new well being and mental health support will be of enormous help to them. The hardest part for me leaving was the feeling of loss when you left, no longer having the respect of others and the support blanket that had been in place for over 33 years. It takes a few years but the veneer is sometime thin so coming along to events is always good to remind you who and what you were. 

Good luck for the summer and hopefully see you at one of the next events.


 - Wilkie

Morning Kristal,

Just a short email. Just want to thank you and Emma for having me the other night. Once again it was a fantastic night and thank you for everything. Was lovely seeing everyone and yourselves.

- Justin Maskell

Hi Kristal

Great to see you again the other night..

Wow what a night eh thanks so much for all of your hard work in the organising and setting up I reckon it paid off eh?

Hope you had a great weekend and rested a wee bit J

All the best for now

- Swifty

Hi there just want to thank you for a brilliant night, I just want to thank you for my lovely trench coat can’t thank you enough.


- Dan

Dear Emma,

Please accept these flowers as a token of my appreciation, thanking you and everyone at Style for Soldiers for a wonderful evening and all that you do to help.  The event provided the chance to reconnect and make new connections with fellow Veterans and it was a huge pleasure to be part of.

God bless and kind regards,

- Samuel Buglass


Emma & Kristal,

Thank you once again for everything! The Summer ball was amazing, hospitality great, we are truly grateful for your help, support and invitations.
Lots of Love,

- Michaela and Tom Hall x

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your m&s voucher.  Due to just returning from deployment I have only just got to round to using it.  It was a lovely surprise for when I got home.  
The work you do for style for soldiers is remarkable.


I would just like to say thank you for sending the shirts to me that I previously emailed you about. I have just received them and I cannot wait to start wearing them out again.
Thank you very much!

Kind regards

- Thomas

Dear Emma,

I am yet again humbled and grateful for the ongoing support Style for Soldiers continues to offer me, and other veterans, who have been discharged following injury.  It can often feel like the system no longer cares about us, but to know there are others out there who do and who are willing to offer real tangible support is truly heartwarming.

I would be most grateful if you could pass my thanks along to those from Marks and Spencer who supported this offer.  Equally if there is someone from that organisation I could write to, to express my gratitude, I would be delighted to do so?

I am lucky to have been able to secure employment that i am able to do despite my injuries, and your kind gift means I will continue to look my best for years to come, while doing it.
I would also like to take this opportunity to offer my deep regrets that I will not be able to accept your kind offer to attend the Summer Dinner, unfortunately I am on holiday on that date.

Once again, countless thanks I am extraordinarily grateful!

Yours truly, 

- Ewan

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the work that you have done in securing M&S and Russell and Bromley vouchers for injured servicemen.  I have used mine and I can honestly say that I am chuffed to bits and I could not be more grateful.  I am sure that you will also have made a huge difference to lots of other servicemen who have been injured through the years.

Kind Regards, 

- Nick
Thank again so much for all that you do.  It is very humbling indeed!

Dear Emma, 

I just wanted to say thank you for your help and support.

Kind Regards, 

- Ian

Good evening  Emma,

I would like to wish you a massive congratulations for your achievement in getting awarded the 1138th Point of Light Award on the International Woman's Day!!!! I am so happy for you Emma and I must say you do absolutely deserve this award, it was a long time coming.

Your absolute devotion, compassion and tireless commitment towards us the injured servicemen can never be paralleled with any other. We can never thank you enough for everything you do for us Emma. Have a good and productive week.
- James 

My name is Chris, I'm one of the beneficiaries of Style for Soldiers.
Please would you pass on this message to Emma,
I am filled with joy to hear your being recognised for an award today, on International Womens Day.

I first benefited from your charitable organisation about 4 years ago, you provided me with a shirt, and the vouchers for shoes and other work wear through M&S and Russell & Bromley.
At that time I was going for my first real job; post service, I was nervous of London, and working in a professional working environment. I was further nervous of interviews, and looking the right way. I most certainly did not have the money to give myself appropriate workwear to last myself a week!

What you provided me with, through your organisation, was the confidence to walk into my interviews feeling like I belonged, looked good in my beautiful shirt, my new shoes and my suit; I felt prepared. Furthermore, I could get everyday shirts, trousers and other bits and bobs so that I looked and felt the part in the new office environment I was moving in to. That confidence, in my mind, is why I am finding success in my career.

I am very fortunate, have a wonderful job, in an industry I am passionate about working in. I fundamentally believe that without your support I may not have got the job in the first place, and even if I had, I would have felt out of place for months whilst I found a way to dress appropriately, whilst feeling good about how I looked. Particularly with my injury.

Further, your Christmas Party is legitimately my favorite event of the year. The chance to see my friends, whilst networking a little over a glass of bubbles is amazing. I sincerely wait with baited breath every year for the email to ask me to join you. Its incredible, and the hard work you and your team put in makes a huge difference to us.

Your support of vocational rehabilitation through providing dress and event support is phenomenal. I feel privileged to have met you, and I hope you find more and more success as you continue to provide support to the community of injured servicemen I belong to.

Kind Regards,

- Chris

I would like to thank you and Emma very much for the voucher. I really appreciate it and look forward to getting a nice suit that fits properly! 
Thank you and the whole of Style for Soldiers for all that you do. You make such a difference to people's lives and not just the soldiers, but the families too. You do not have to search far to hear how grateful we all are for the support you offer and it is great to see how it has grown since the early days. 

I hope that you have a brilliant weekend. 

Kind regards, 

- Stephan

Good morning,

Could I please thank you very very much for the outstanding gift I received yesterday in the post.
I can not say enough how much this meant to me. 

I can say without a doubt your a charity which actually applies to Northern Ireland and even though I have moved house the letter arrived at my new address.

I am very grateful to you all.

Kind regards,

- Ricky 

 Dear Emma,

Thank you so much for you kind gift it will help me get prepared for my further. It has taken a financial weight off me and my families shoulders.
I look forward to meeting you one day 

Thank you for your time in this matter 

Kindest and best regards

- Matthew 

Emma, Kristal, Guy,

All I can say is Wow wow wow and a massive thank you!
My stick arrived today and it is bloody gorgeous and awesome....the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
I have been in hospital AGAIN because of the epilepsy caused my brain injury and they have done a big meds change over which has made me even wobblier (hopefully this will be temporary). I got out last week and my dad left me on my own again yesterday!

So thank you, thank you, thank you... you have put a big smile back on my face!

You are bloody awesome :)

- Sara

Dear Emma,

Thank you so much for you kind gift it will help me get prepared for my further. It has taken a financial weight off me and my families shoulders.
I look forward to meeting you one day. 

Thank you for your time in this matter. 

Kindest and best regards,

- Matthew 

Afternoon Emma,

I have heard nothing but great things about the things you do for the lad and ladies. Everyone says amazing things about you and how much you have already done for them. 
Thank you for getting in touch so fast and giving me the opportunity to get involved. I have received the email with the M & S voucher and I can’t thank you enough.
I have been in Headley the last few times you have visited over the years and every time I always seemed to be at hospital or out of unit.
I am very pleased to have finally touched base with you and will look forward to meeting you in person.

Thank you very much.


- Pete

Hi Emma,

Hope you are well. 

We would both like to thank you for inviting us to the event, it was lovely. It was nice to see some familiar faces and meet new people. 
Thank you very much for the pictures, they look wonderful. 
We are happy that you like our little gift.

Our best wishes to you for 2019 and we shall see you soon!

- Kristjan & Janeli

Dear Emma,

Happy New Year and hope you have had a wonderful break with your family. Many thanks for such a fun evening with Style for Soldiers and friends, it was a really enjoyable evening and so good to catch-up with the Headley Court family. Melissa and I both loved it and we enjoyed great company on our table! I know it must have been a great effort to have so many people seated.
Lee’s story was moving, inspirational and a testament to your amazing work. As we chatted to him before dinner I could hardly believe he was the same person who arrived in my company sometime in 2008 after our tour to Iraq. He clearly has taken great strength in the support you have offered and is getting things back on track.
I hope you have a great 2019 and thank you for your continued support.


- Ed

My dear Emma

What a fantastic evening that brought back some great memories of the good things that happened in Headley Court.  Its been some time since I came to one of your gatherings and well not disappointed just outstanding.  Kristal you are a diamond well polished putting all the work in to make it happen and it was great to see the face behind the working machine Kristal.  If there is ever any thing I can do speak chair or assist please do not hesitate to ask.

Please have an amazing Christmas and an even better New Year and look forward to our next meeting.

- Yours Bernie and Jan x

Wow, once again you and the team worked your magic for a superb Christmas Party for the Style for Soldiers clan last night. I have been to a few of these functions you work so hard at and every one I go to is beyond excellent; in fact they are outstanding in every way. 

The dinner was exquisite in every way, as was the champaign and wine, although I possibly had a tad too much! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and New Year and I look forward to seeing you all next year.
Please say a huge thank you to Emma and the team for making my life, and I'm sure all attendee's, whole again.

Thank you,

- Danny

Thank you for such a wonderful evening. Everything and everyone were perfect and I was touched by so much love and kindness. 
It’s been quite a year and I thank you both for all of the enormous work that you have done for all of us damaged but vibrant souls.

- Karl

Just wanted to email to say a massive thank you as always for a mega evening. Always great to see everyone. 

- Martyn

This is just a quick email to say thank you very much from myself and my wife for the invite last night. 
It was a brilliant event, it was great to see so many faces I haven’t seen for years. It was also great to finally meet Emma. 

Best Regards,

- Josh


Thank you so much for a wonderful and magical Christmas party you made us all feel human again.
Words are not enough to express my feelings.
I bumped into so many old friends who I hadn't seen for years thank you so much.
Hope you and your family have a great Christmas.
God bless you.

Kind and Best regards

- Eddie McMahon.


Thank you so much for your hospitality at the Christmas dinner.
We had a great time.

- Andy

A massive thank you for everything last night, sorry I missed you at the end. Michelle and I had a lovely evening as always. Have a great Christmas

- Martyn

Hi Emma,

Hope you are well, firstly thank you for such a wonderful christmas party i will treasure those memories forever, it was really lovely to catch up with so many people.
Warmest Regards,
- Dominic

Hi Emma
Just want to thank you for a great evening last night. I had a blast.
It’s been busy time for me this year starting my new job . And the shirts that you have made for me has done the business.
But also I don’t see many people throughout the year and your Christmas party was the only opportunity to see some familiar faces.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year

Kind Regards,

- Louis

Just wanted to say thank you, to you and Emma, for the Christmas party and hope you had a lovely Christmas. Was lovely seeing you both once again and hope you both have a lovely new year

- Justin

This is just a quick email to say thank you very much from myself and my wife for the invite last night. 
It was a brilliant event, it was great to see so many faces I haven’t seen for years. It was also great to finally meet Emma. 

- Josh

 Just a quick message to yourself, Emma and your team to say thank you for an extraordinary event the other evening at the HAC!
 It was really great to catch up with old friends and meet new ones!

- Edward

 Dear Emma and the Style for Soldiers Team,

Amanda and I would like to thank you for a fantastic night at the Style for Soldiers Christmas party.  
We were sat next to a good group of guests that we have never met before and those sat nearby meant conversation flowed and the night went by very quickly with lots of laughs and sharing memories of our time at Headley Court of course the singer and an engagement was a highlight of the night.

 The Hotel was fantastic and so nearby that Amanda could enjoy much of the night and not be too tired to travel to the hotel while working around her pregnancy.  

Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.  

Warmest regards, 

- Clifford

Please accept both mine and Hazels gratitude for your effort and fabulous evening you arranged last Thursday. 
 It was my first year to attend after yearly invites and although nervous it was a pleasure to be part of it. Also it was a huge pleasure to have Hazel join me and keep me calmer than ever amongst so many people.  It was also nice for you to see the special shoes you got for me from Bill Bird. They are so comfy and help so much with my dropped foot.
We both wish you and your family a lovely Festive break and time to relax. 

Many thanks again for our invite Emma. 

Best wishes,

- Andrew and Hazel

Hi Emma,

I really wanted to send you a message to, once again, say thank you for starting Style for Soldiers.

As my time in the Royal Marines is coming to an end, and my rehabilitation is being transferred to the NHS, I can feel my identity slipping away. I have slowly been taking items from work out of my cupboards and draws and either throwing them away or putting in my ‘memory box’.

Today I took my Lovat suit (No. 2’s) out of my wardrobe. It’s so strange to think that removing a uniform I’ve only worn a handful of times could evoke a feeling of great loss, but it has. My mental health has been in a pretty dark place recently but I had to do this to try and move on. All that remains in my room now are my green beret and in my wardrobe my Blues (No. 1’s). Feeling down I looked in my wardrobe, at the newly formed empty space and realised that right next to my blues are my Emma Willis shirt and M&S suit. 

This may sound strange but I put on the shirt, the suit, polished shoes, cuff links and pocket detail, and I just stood in front of my mirror looking at myself. The loss I felt was replaced with a feeling that I CAN reclaim my identity, the realisation that what I wear can replace my uniform and project who I am, now that the title Royal Marines Commando has been taken from me. For the few minutes that I wore the suit it felt like I was bought me back to life.

Through you I have met Stefan and, just yesterday, I spoke with David O’Mahoney, connections who can and have guided me. 
Style for Soldiers can’t give me my career back but you’ve helped me to start erasing the feelings of being lost and worthless.

Thank you so much.

- Andy

Good morning Emma, just wanted to drop you a message and say thank-you so much for suggesting I do the BBC service, I love that I had the opportunity to say Thank you to the people that have helped me from where I was to where I am now. You are also a huge part of that. I’ve seen the confidence and pride a soldier holds when they feel a perfectly fitting shirt against their skin. A great quality suit on their shoulders and a pair of top end shoes on their feet. You have done me, the guys and girls a great service. Thank you!

- Louis 

Good morning,
A massive thank you to Style for Soldiers and Marks and Spencer's for such amazing generosity, I can't wait to order a new suit.
Receiving both the invite and letter about the suit has really lifted my mood. After a fairly hard week this has honestly been the best boost.
Every year style for soldiers make me feel special and my wife and I are so grateful for that.

Thank you once again.

- Stuart

Thanks to some more Emma Willis shirt magic, that's another successful job interview chalked up.  I've been out of contract now for about 10 months and was worried I might have forgotten too many technical details, so it was reassuring to know that I at least looked the part.

Thank you to everyone at Style for Soldiers for helping make that happen. 

- Mat 

Emma and Style for Soldiers,

Thank you for my walking stick.  It brought a big smile to my face and proud to use it everyday.  I am very grateful for your kindness. 

- Julan

Afternoon Emma.
I can't thank you enough. What you do is magical for us.  You make me,us, feel so special you really do.
I would absolutely love to attend your Christmas party. It's my Birthday on the 12th Dec, so S4S will tie in nicely. If it's still ok to attend? 
Honestly Emma, you are very kind and passionate about what you do. The dedication and time you spent measuring the group, Headley Rebels, shows what you are all about. Intrinsic to our recovery, paths, appreciation and appreciative allows us to engage with value' s we once had and still have whilst not feeling lost.
It was a pleasure to meet you Emma. Thank you so much I'm truly humbled, see you on the 20 Dec 18.

Kind Regards

- Mike

Aww I think it is amazing that you have done so much for patients at Headley Court have you just been there again?  If so I am gutted when I first came to Headley Court I was in hospital waiting until I was able to leave hospital I thank you you massively for everything you had for so many soldiers and family.
- Adam 

Massive shout out to the Style for Soldiers team for all the love and support that has been unwavering post injury for so many.  When I had no confidence and self esteem you were there to help rebuIld it and I will forever be grateful to you all for that and of course keeping us all looking and feeling sharp with shirts, ties and other accessories courtesy of supporting brands.  
- David O'Mahoney

I just wanted to let you both know that we all had a fantastic day at Woburn yesterday. Thank you so much for letting us share in all the fun and we thoroughly enjoyed the superb food and company.
Thank you also for the beautiful flowers you allowed Leann and I to take home. They survived the journey home in Albert’s car and they look great in both our homes.
Even the down pour couldn’t dampen our day. Amalia certainly enjoyed herself and didn’t want to go home.

Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to Emma as I don’t have her email address and to all the other staff who helped make this a wonderful day for not only us but all the other families.
With kindest regards,

- Christine, Leann, Amalia and Albert xxxx

Dear Emma,

Please excuse the delay in coming back to you to say a huge thank you for the incredibly kind gift of your stunning shirts and a tie. I have known about your charity, and indeed have met you on several occasions at various events, but have never been very good at putting myself forward to accept offers like this – I always feel they should be going to others than myself. What you do is incredibly kind, generous and, most importantly really makes a difference to veterans’ wellbeing. I was like a kid in a sweet shop being asked to take my pick of your incredible shirts, and my evening routine of ironing my shirt has moved from drudgery of preparing for another day at work – to a sense of pride of knowing I’ll be the best dressed in my office!!! I just wanted to show my appreciation for an amazing Summer party, it was truly amazing, atmosphere was great and the food was lovely.

I really do feel humbled to be apart of this amazing family we call style for soldiers, i say family because everybody gets on so well and every event I have been to I meet somebody new with an amazing story to tell.
Over the past couple of years you have done so much for me and I truly believe I wouldn’t be in the head space I am today if it wasn’t for your amazing help, you have saved me and saved my family, which I am truly grateful for.

I have meet some amazing life long friends along the way and that’s all because of you.
Truly humbled, very grateful and very proud to be apart of this amazing family. 

- Glen 

When I wear my shirt and ties, I feel confident, Style for Soldiers is the embodiment of support.

- William

A huge thank you for all you and the team do for injured veterans like myself – we are very lucky to have you support and champion our cause.
Kind regards,

- Will

Hi Emma,

Thank you for inviting my and my family for the Woburn event - it was awesome!

I have learn loads of things in the last 4 years, some I wouldn’t wish on anybody (mostly big medical words that I couldn’t even say them before I had my brain issues!) but one of the important ones is saying stuff because you don’t know if you may never get the chance.... so I thought I’d let you know exactly what the Woburn event meant to me. And you have to you excuse my typing - I have to do it by dictation call as I can’t type anymore...

The Woburn event is the first time that I’ve dared to attend something in 4 years, since my brain tried to kill me a few times(!). And this has been for a number of reasons, but The main one being because you also invited my family. They have done so much for me over the last four years - more that I could have wished. My brain is fairly (what’s left of it ;)) broken... I now have problems with my cognitive stuff, my communication stuff, anxiety issues and I also have uncontrolled epilepsy. This means that I can’t do big, loud, social, events. I also can’t travel anywhere on my own or drive (that would just be scary (mostly for other road users lol ;) But you enabled me to give a ‘thank you’ to my family because of YOUR event. That event at the safari park meant I could ‘run away’ if I couldn’t cope or if I began to lose it at any time and grab one of them away if I needed to, or if I had a seizure, but the rest of the family could still enjoy it. You also gave me a couple of brilliant surprises too - One of the guys I was at Headley with 4 years ago was there - it was lovely to see him (Greg (RAF too - Can’t remember his name - my memory is shocking ;)) and seeing Kath the Cake Lady was fantastic too. I spent months as a inpatient on the neuro ward at Headley - Kath was one of the few females who I recognised! We were definitely in a male environment :) :) :)

Because those of us with brain injuries look ‘normal’ and few people understand that every brain injury is different means most people don’t understand how difficult we find social events (I am as guilty as anybody was before my brain tried to kill me a few times). People don’t understand the noise, the confusion, the difficult communication issues we have constantly.... and if you chuck in my epilepsy triggers (stress and tiredness) most social events are doomed from the start lol :)  however, your event made me be able look beyond my issues (it’s all about me don’t you know ;)) and I was able to concentrate on my family, I (you) was (were) able to focus on the ones that look after me...

So this is a mahoooosive enormous ‘thank you’ from me to you...

- Sara

Hi Emma,

I just wanted to say a personally thank you once more for the beautiful shirt and suit. As you have seen we look super dapper.

I can not thank you enough and hope to catchup soon.

Kindest regards,

- Jaco

Dear Emma,

Thank you for the two Fabulous Ties I have just received from you in the post.
I cannot believe it was 9 years ago I had the pleasure of meeting You & Your staff while doing my rehabilitation at Headley Court and was measured up for a designed fit silk shirt, which was a very generous gift to all of us there.

On behalf of myself & all the other Service Personnel we would like to say a Huge Thank-you for the Support and recognition You have shown to us and continue to do so.
I wish Yourself and Staff all the Best for the Future and it's people like yourself who recognise the Armed Forces that made me PROUD to have served 23 and a half years.

Kind regards,

- Carl 

Hi Emma,

I trust you are well?
Just to let you know that I received the shirt you sent me. It is beautiful and fits me so well. 
Thank you so much for it. You are a star.

Lots of hugs and kisses from me and the entire family.

Kind regards,

- Maggie 

Dear Emma Willis, 
I had to write to you even though we have never met, just to say thank you!! Thank you for being one of those extraordinary people that cares and goes out of their way to make a positive  impact on other  people that cares and goes out of their way to make a positive impact on other peoples's lives.  As can be seen on your media program.
- Ken and Fred the Dog 

Dear Emma,
Please accept my sincerest thanks for your kind, and extremely generous help with this and for all you have done with Style for Soldiers.  As well as Afghanistan, I also served in Iraq, Libya and Nigeria, although I am sorry to say I have often since regretted it for the impact it has had on my life, and ultimately the loss of my career.  I feel embarrassed to admit how I have struggled with coming to terms with this since, and with starting a new career. 

However, the knowledge that there are brilliant people out there like yourself who recognise what the Armed Forces do for the UK, and are kind enough to support them in return, is a massive boost to morale.  I look forward to attending interviews smartly dressed, no longer in my worn out old suit, which will undoubtedly improve my confidence and chances of finding employment.  I have also RSVPd to Victoria, and would be honoured to attend the Style For Soldiers Summer party.  Thank you very much again.  
Best Regards
- Mike Watts

Dear Emma,

Thank you so much for an incredible evening at the summer party, 
It was great to meet new people and catch up with old friends. 
You have achieved something very special. 

Fond regards

- Thomas Francis

Dear Emma,

Please excuse the delay in coming back to you to say a huge thank you for the incredibly kind gift of your stunning shirts and a tie. I have known about your charity, and indeed have met you on several occasions at various events, but have never been very good at putting myself forward to accept offers like this - I always feel they should be going to others than myself. What you do is incredibly kind, generous and, most importantly really makes a difference to Veterans' wellbeing. I was like a kid in a sweet shop being asked to take my pick of your incredible shirts, and my evening routine of ironing my shirts has moved from drudgery to preparing for another day at work -  to a sense of pride knowing I'll be the best dressed in my office!!!
A huge thank you for all you and the team do for injured Veterans like myself -  we are very lucky to have you support and champion our cause.

Kind regards, 

- Will

Just want to say a massive thank you for the shirts last week really really amazing gesture thank you.  Keep doing what you're doing because you really make a difference thank you.

- Nathan

Hello Emma, 

You were not under any obligation to do this but for your selflessness and the heart to help not only injured veterans like myself but their families as well, is a testament of your generosity and genuineness. I still cannot fathom this action of yours as it's beyond expectation. Truly, it came in at the right time and will go a long way to put a smile on my family's face.

Thank you ver much.


- Jonathan and Family

Hi Emma

You truly are my guardian angel. Just got home after a horrible long day and my shoe had split earlier in the day. Opened the post and received the most wonderful generous gift and couldn't have been more appropriate. What a turn around of my day. 

Thank you ever so much. 

Dear Ms Emma Willis, I had to write to you even though we have never met, just to say THANK YOU!! Thank you for being one of those extraordinary people that cares and goes out of their way to make a positive impact on other people's lives.

Hi Victoria

I have just come out of my interview and I have been offered the job. It must have been the suit, or as I call it the Lucky Suit. 
I have gone from no suit for a interview to receiving one the day before and turning up looking smart t and being offered the job. 
I could not be happier.

Thank you all so much Style for Soldiers. 

Thank you very much for the support when it mattered most. 


- Jonathan
Dear Emma

I hope that all is well and thank you again for all that you are doing for injured servicemen- it really makes a huge difference. I wear my cufflinks and shirt with pride and putting them on always makes me think how lucky we are to have such supportive people.

Thanks again for all that you do.

- Nick
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you, your family and all at Style for Soldiers.
2017 has been a year of reformation and thank you for your help with getting me over the final line. I am looking forward to 2018 and have many cornerstone goals i hope to achieve.
May 2018 be equally wonderful for yourself .
Kindest regards and gratitude as always for all you do.

- David

Dear Emma, Victoria and Kristal,
I would just like to offer my sincere thanks for all your efforTs towards making the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party such an enjoyable event, and for your support over the past few years.  it is an event that my partner and I look forward to each year, and seeing people that we may only meet once a year at this event. 
As for the shirts, it is great to be out there in 'Fab' wear!

Looking forward to seeing you all again in the near future.

Kind Regards, 

- Gavin


I have just been viewing the photos from the Style for Soldiers Christmas party and wanted to thank you again for organising such an outstanding event, as well as sorting out a super Hotel for us.  
It was the first Style for Soldiers event that my wife and I had been able to attend and we both found it an outstandingly memorable occasion.  it was wonderful to catch with with so many people that I shared my rehabilitation experience with and we really enjoyed a very special evening.
Emma and Style for Soldiers are very fortunate to have you on board as you did such a fantastic job in so many respects.  You are a true inspiration to all servicemen and their families.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

- Chris


I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a wonderful evening at the HAC.  Each year I realise more and more how important it is that the WIS community is offered a chance to come together like this.  Matt Weston summed up the real mental issues so many veterans face and he is a great example to us all how they may be faced.

Victoria, your organisation leading up to the event was great - I am sure you would have been flat out mustering so many veterans from all corners of the world!

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!


- Ed

Hiya Emma,

Thanks so much for the gift for Jack, it is lovely.  Poppy and Jack are now home and doing just well.  So sorry I could not make it to the party I was gutted but had to be with my family as Poppy needed me.
Hope you all had a lovely party, thanks so much for everything Emma really means a lot the amount of things you do to change peoples lives is outstanding.  I did put you forward for an outstanding person reward, but never heard back from them.

We can not thank you enough.

Hi Emma,

Thank you for a really nice evening, was so good to see so many old faces, and also see them doing well.

Everything you and your charity are doing is amazing which showed at last nights event. Look forward to catching up with yourself and everyone soon. 

- Michael

Afternoon Emma, 
Just wanted to email you say I am so grateful for you arranging the hat fitting.  I went yesterday and Michael helped me get a very smart cap and a hat that would not usually wear.

- Martyn
First week at Ernest and Young over and have found it fantastic to date. 
Collected my shirt yesterday and so thrilled. There is nothing quite like putting on a shirt that fits so well and feels tremendous. Again, thank you so much!

- David

Evening Emma,

Really glad that you got to see my email in regard to the shoes you so kindly helped me to get.

Bill Bird is a lovely gent and all his staff are so nice, they make you feel part of them. They also have a lovely residential cat who liked me and would sit on my lap.

The best thing is that I wore my lovely new shoes and they were comfortable all day. So they were officially christened on Horse Guards Parade Square on to Parliament street, past the Cenotaph back to Horse Guards Parade and Prince Edward as well as 100's of spectators.

As long as I can assure you in words of my deep gratitude to you for what you have done for me then I will be happy.
My sincere best wishes to you and your family, to your staff, Victoria and wish you continuous success with your Business. 

Always Grateful,

- Andrew


Would love to say thank you for a wonderful and inspirational evening.  Met some lovely people, even though I was out of my comfort zone was made to feel wanted and welcomed. Victoria has done a marvellous job, and it was nice to see Kristal as well.  All the blokes were really excited about it and the mood at breakfast was brilliant. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to push myself and the most terrifying thing was to talk in front of people.  Well thats one obstacle out of the way and feel better for it. So excited for Christmas now, and I will be bringing my long suffering sister along, she needs a bit of praise and she is also Royal Navy so it would be nice for me to be able to thank her.

You, your team and even your family are brilliant.

First complete nights sleep in a long time and absolutely buzzing.  Arabella and Paris really have fired me up to do something with my creative side.  Tori really got my mindset and we got on really well.

Thank you for letting me part of the Style for Soldiers family.

Lots of Love, 

- Richie

Emma I do not even know what to say.  For once I am lost for words.  Your generosity is very rare Emma the whole Style for Soldiers community shows me sides to people I never knew existed and has opened my eyes in the more ways than one.

For once I can't seem to find words, I really can't other then thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Many thanks Victoria for helping me.  I may just still have enough time to get a new suit for my honoured day at Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph.

Can I ask you to forward my thanks to Emma please.  Emma helped me to get a pair of bespoke shoes made by Bill Bird shoes at Moreton in Marsh.  After months of fittings and adjustments for my leg and foot injury I picked the shoes up today.

They are not only lovely to look at they so far are so comfortable and can accommodate the orthotics and adjustments for my dropped foot. I am so grateful to in particular Bill for his years of experience and skills but also in particular his staff member Emily. She has been involved in the shoe manufacture from a lattice to using paper templates and so on.  Her talents for making shoes have resulted in this wonderful pair of shoes that I can wear on November 12 in London. There I can speak highly of Emma's support and Bill Birds team and the Pattern Makers donation.

Once again thank you for the suit information and hope you and your girls and husband are well.

All the best, 

- Andrew

You and the Emma Willis group do a fantastic job raising money for this great Style for Soldiers Charity, and you all put so much hard work into help support the injured Soldiers which we all really appreciate so a massive thank you to everyone.

- Rickie

Afternoon Emma,

Had a knock at the door and a gentleman from a courier firm with a parcel for me.  It is a beautiful crisp white cotton shirt.
Thank you so much for it, never worn anything so nice since leaving the army, I can once be smart again.

Thank you,

Another step out of the quagmire of adversity since being medically discharged.
P.s. Please pass my thanks onto the craftsman that put it together, it is amazing.

- Richie


My suit arrived today, thank you so much for this wonderful gift, I am truly honoured.  
I will wear it with pride, what an amazing lady you are, much love xxx

- Glen

Dear Emma,

Last week I attended the Style for Soldiers retreat in Mallorca.  This was my first interaction with Style for Soldiers as I missed you at Headley Court originally, but what a first impression! Thank you SO much for providing the opportunity to attend such a fantastic event.  Stu and Lizzie made us all feel so welcome and it was so beneficial to have such experienced one on one support for the activities, and in such a beautiful location.

It was incredibly useful to be able to meet other veterans and WIS at different stages of their recovery and gain inspiration and motivation from what they are doing.  Added to this, partners were also present (unfortunately not my husband as he had to work), which gave a whole extra dimension to the event.  The balance worked exceptionally well and I gained a lot from this mix.  I strongly believe that if my husband had been able to attend, it would have benefited as significantly as a couple.

Again, thank you so much, the memories and inspiration from the event will carry on long after my tan fades!


- Lucinda

Thank you so much for the S4S retreat. It was an amazing experience. To have the opportunity to go on a rehab event, with a loved one, as part of a group of individuals with different injuries, to somewhere that made physical activity so accessible, was incredible. It was wonderful to go to group sessions and not feel self-conscious about my injury and mobility, as well as being able to talk to the other guys in such a relaxed setting.

I’d also like to thank you for the S.U.P and boat trips. It was the first time in four years I’ve been able to go for a proper swim in the ocean! I never thought that S.U.Ping would be possible, thank you for giving me an environment in which I had the confidence to try it. I loved it!

Thank you again.

With Love, 

- Fran

Dear Emma and Victoria,

I hope you are both well and are not too busy with work.

I am emailing you both today to thank you for everything you have done For me. I have now chosen my suit from Marks and Spencer with shoes and accessories. It was very generous and will certainly help me with my transition into civilian life with interviews and job fairs.

I recently heard from one of your colleagues called Nel who asked me for my address to send me an invitation to something which I am very excited about. With that in mind you mentioned to me about your Christmas Party which sounds fantastic and would be amazing to go too. As I mentioned before I get married on the 4th November and it would be great to bring my then wife to your party.

I was wondering if you would know how long it would be for the walking stick to arrive. I know it seems rude for me to ask as you have done so much for me so far but the thought of using such an amazing stick instead of the NHS one I'm using now on my wedding day would be awesome and look good in the pictures.

I hope you don't mind me asking and being so rude.

Finally I would like to give something back. Since January I have been off work having various operations and treatment and the military has sent me on various courses at Tedworth House, Battle Back and Headley Court. When I am not on them I generally sit at home and get very frustrated and bored. I have volunteered to assist with the Poppy Appeal this year and I am the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Exeter centre and will be running the appeal with all my volunteers etc. After the 11th November it will be over and I am already wondering what I am going to do and wondered if there is anything I can do for your charity? I enjoy meeting people and helping others so wondered if there is a role I could do for you? Please do not hesitate to contact me either on here or mobile.

Again ladies please know how grateful I am for everything you do and have done for me.

Kindest regards

- Dave

Hello Emma, 

I have come for an interview in London and just popped in to say hi.

Unfortunately you were out, I just wanted to say thank you in person for the shirts you have sent me since meeting at Headley Court.

Your support has made the transition to Civvy life a lot easier with going to interviews in your beautiful shirts.

Thank you again.

- Benjamin
Dear Emma

I just wanted to thank you for a great day that me and my family enjoyed at Woburn last week.

I think it's amazing what you do for us and our families. My kids loved seeing the animals and they've had loads of fun with the pop up play tent that was kindly donated by the lady in America.
For me personally, it felt good to have a few hours back in the company of other like minded people, people who  share some of the same difficulties.

Also, we were very kindly given overnight accommodation at a very nice hotel. This was great for us as we travelled from Yorkshire and besides saving me a great deal of pain, it was nice to relax and not worry about rushing home.

Thank you again and please pass on our gratitude to your team of very special people who help make this all happen.

Your Sincerely,

- Shawn, Gemma and Children

How lovely, thank you so much for extending the invite to my sister's family. It was so beautiful having veterans and their closest members of family and support network under one roof.

You are a truly inspirational person Emma who is making such a difference.

I hope you have a lovely break.

- David

Good morning Emma, you have given my nephew Tai beautiful memories for him to cherish and my other nephew's. Bradley,Zac, Lee. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and to have Victoria looking after us.  Victoria has been amazing and understanding and caring, thank you.

Yours Sincerely, 

- Ben


Although I am currently back at Headley Court for another admission my wife informed me that the 2 shirts that you kindly had made for me arrived on Friday and again words cannot express my gratitude, along with the 2 suits I was able to purchase from M&S, I must say you have a diamond in Victoria working for you, the pride and self belief we have in our uniform you have helped provide in civilian attire for that I can never thank you and Victoria enough

Kindest Regards,

- Tim

Afternoon Victoria

Well, what a day we have come home today to find my walking stick has arrived (thank you very much) but also found a slip through the postbox to inform us of a delivery which has been left at the backdoor.  Went around to the back door to find a beautiful bunch of flowers and balloon waiting for my daughter, how very thoughtful of you all at SFS you have made her day.  
The stick, flower and balloon have cheered us all up. 

Warmest regards 

-The Rickard family 
PS I am wearing my SFS  shirt to the graduation as well so I shall feel super smart. 


Afternoon all, I know the official invitation hasn't been sent out yet but I was wondering if I could get my name put down now to attend the christmas party as my partner and I would love to attend and take up the offer of accommodation for the night. I have always wanted to go, I have my wonderful shirt from Emma but have never had a pair of smart shoes that seem compatible with my prosthetic leg however this year thanks to you guys and the amazing Bill Bird I will have a pair of shoes and would love to show them off at the ball!! I would also love to be able to say thank you for everything you do, it really does make a huge difference! Just thought it may be worth getting ahead of the rush.

Many regards

- Carl


My birthday was yesterday so Jan unsure of who and what it was sent for kept it for my Birthday.  Invictus Games very busy loving every bit and feeling extremely good about myself.  Emma you and your team will always hold a special place in my recovery and sorry for not being as supportive as I should be.  My memories of Headley are of you thank you so much and will never let you down please support the Games and my team.


- Bernie

Hi Emma,

I have received my voucher from Victoria and will be dropping in to my local M&S this week.  The generosity and support from Style for Soldiers is quite incredible and I thank you so much for welcoming us into the fold, I look forward to meeting you in person...

Best wishes and many thanks,

- Matt

Dear Emma & Kristal,

Extremely tardy of me I know but I have up until this point failed to write to express my thanks for the gifted shoes I received from Russell & Bromley.

I was served by Paige in the Salisbury outlet who was extremely interested in the offer and my ordeal. Hugely helpful she showed me how to get the left shoe (the side of my hemi-paresis) on more efficiently and was patient with my grunting red faced impatient attitude that most of us WIS soldiers have!

More recently I filtered from 45 applicants to 10 for interview at PWC and although unsuccessful I definitely had the best shoes of everyone at interview!

Once again, S4S have helped instil some extra confidence and not getting the job was nothing to with the way I was dressed.

As always thank you and please keep helping us all; we all appreciate it.

Good Morning Emma,

Just want to say thank you so much again for the two shirts you sent up there just amazing and feel so nice thank you.  
That's me back from holiday seems like Hawaii a distant memory now.  But I just loved it there lovely weather and lovely people there too.
Am going to email David today thank you so much for the support you've given me Emma you'd s fantastic person. 

- Mark

Good morning,
When I was in Headley Court in 2013 suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury I sustained in an insurgent attack in Afghanistan, Emma was lovely enough to measure me for a shirt.  I've never had a shirt fit as good as that one.
I've since recovered dramatically (to look at me you can't tell I've half a metal skull haha) I've finally put back of the weight I lost and was wondering if I could be extremely cheeky and ask if you offered a discount on your shirts? They are out of my price range but I loved it so much.
Kind regards,

- Shaun

Dear Emma,

My name is Jon and I would like to thank you for the shirt that you made me whilst I was at Headley Court.
I am due to medically discharged because of injuries that I have sustained whilst being on active duty. In the next few weeks I will be having an interview for a placement on a level 3 diploma in game keeping and wildlife management.

For the interview I will be wearing the shirt that you have made me to help in my appearance.  It honestly means a lot for what you have done and you have made an injured soldier feel very happy.

Many Thanks, 

- Jon

I hope your all loving the week,

I have been to Russell and Bromley (Bath) today.

You and style for soldiers have done nothing but boost my confidence and show me that as injured troops we are appreciated and have worth.

The team I met in the bath store today, and I don't say this without emotion, are an absolute credit to Russell and Bromley and fully encapsulate everything you guys are trying to do.

From the moment I entered the store hunched over on my crutches and before they were aware I was an injured soldier I was made to feel like royalty. Every single person smiled from ear to ear and greeted me with such warmth I felt at home. We sat and spoke about style for soldiers and how you guys are giving those without much confidence and self worth more than just gifts, but opportunities to feel confident and stand proudly when we otherwise would have felt out of place.

In all honesty it was nice to sit and talk with a group of people for 45 minutes (don't tell the manager) who were keenly interested in more than the fact I wander around on crutches. 
I'm going to have to save this line to my clip board so I can copy and paste it into every email, "Thank you so much for everything you do for every soldier that has the pleasure of meeting you. The time and effort that everyone at style for soldiers puts in can be seen beaming from every soldier stood proudly in a perfectly tailored shirt, with shining polished cufflinks and now a bespoke pair of the most comfortable brogues. I can now say I will be the proudest in the room when I take my family to Windsor castle to meet Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on Friday" 

Thank you guys so much.

I will write to Russell and Bromley personally :-)

Kindest regards,

- Louis

Dear Emma,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the tardiness of this thank you note. This is due, in part, to me having moved from the address I was living at, when we met while I was in Headley Court. So it therefore took a little time for your lovely gift to catch-up with me, but mainly it is due to my own ineptitude.

Anyway I just wanted to thank you very much for the gift of the cufflinks, which I have on as I pen this letter, which you have very kindly sent to me.  I am very grateful that you continue to support me in my new career, following my medical discharge in 2014, and I am humbled that someone would take this kind of interest in assisting ex-soldiers like myself.

I regret that I have not been able to attend one of your events, this is simply due to the distance involved having decided to settle in Scotland.  I do though hope that our paths will cross again in the future, and I am able to thank you in person for the kind and inspirational support you provide.

Yours truly, 

- Ewan

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the shirt that has arrived. When I first met Emma at Headley Court in 2014 I couldn't believe such a thing as Style for Soldiers existed, In the early days of my rehab and fresh from brain surgery I was still so high on drugs I didn't see how clothing would make me better....

I've been struggling recently, the stress of trying to juggle illness with family life, a looming discharge date and trying to set up as a barber. As a Royal Marine I have always been extremely confident, but having a brain tumour means I've put on a few extra pounds and become less confident, even though I try not to show it.

I mainly wear black jeans and black t-shirts because it hides the weight gain slightly. However, I then eventually used you're incredible suit deal with M&S before our remembrance day meal at work. For the first time in a very long time I felt proud again. I felt smart and worthy. My wife got to see me in something other than black and it felt like we were back to normal, our old selves before I got ill in 2014.
This shirt is another piece for the wardrobe that makes me feel human again. Thank you so much.

You all do an amazing job for us, I just wanted you to know the scale of the positive impact your work has done for my life is huge.

- Andy
Thank you, all of you.

You guys really do go above and beyond for us all.

It's greatly appreciated and You always seem to have me looking forward to something.

I always have a big smile on my face when I see your name in an email :-) 

Have a great Monday. 

- Louis

omg Emma you sure . I am lost for words here . Do u know u have helped me more with this stuff than any other charity or anyone out there. I mean anyone. Even when I have asked for thing I have had nothing. Got tear in my eye here. As I thought us people up in Scotland we get no help really as all the help for heroes centres are all down south and all the events are the same. so we find it hard at times to get down to anything with the cost etc ... But thanks again Emma . I will get a good pic taken when I am all suited and booted . 


- Darren

Dear Emma and The Team,

I had a new shirt arrive recently and want to say thank you very much.

I am in Aberdeen on a course and can't wait to get home and try it on, whom ever decided on the colour has good taste and now I have a mission to get the rest of my attire up to that standard. 

Best wishes,

Dear Emma and Team,

I email yourself and the team to thank you ever so much for the stunning Grey Prince Of Wales check shirt.

I was to attend the annual Style For Soldiers Christmas party, but due to a relapse in my condition (multiple Sclerosis) I was admitted to hospital.
I recently lost my step father and days before his passing, the shirt arrived by post.

It brought back great memories of my time at Headley Court and we chatted about the good times spent there.  
It felt fitting that I wore the shirt to his funeral and it didn’t disappoint.

I can’t thank you enough for not only the generous gift, but the time I spent talking to my father regards your input into service personals rehabilitation.  
You and your Team really do make a fantastic difference to service personal outlook on life and its with great pride I wear your shirts!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


- Robbie

Good morning,

Just a few words to say thank you very very much for choosing me to receive a pair of Russell and Bromley shoes. I collected them today and they look fantastic. When I wear them with my suit, shirt and cane I will get a photo and forward to you.

Thank you very much. 

A very happy ex soldier.

- Mark
Dear Emma and team SFS,

An overdue thank you for such a wonderful evening at the SFS Christmas party.  I thought the venue, the food, the drinks and the company were magnificent and the event will stay in our memories.
The whole night was a huge success and you deserve to be very proud of the party you threw for everyone. You are simply selfless. Your generosity and efforts will forever be remembered and treasured in our hearts.

Thank you!

- Lucy
Hello Emma,

I am writing to express my gratitude for making the Style For Soldiers Christmas Party such a fantastic event. Having not attended for a couple of years primarily due to the cost of travel and accommodation, it was a pleasure to be able to see many familiar faces from previous admissions at Headley Court, and introduce my partner to many of them.

Everyone looked the part for the salubrious surroundings of the venue, thanks to the generosity of you and your supporters. The food and drink were outstanding.
It was also a pleasure to met your parents during the evening. Your mother was very proud of you, and your father was rather amusing.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to meet HRH, partly because we were ensconced in the back room chatting to people during his visit. We did, however, manage to see the speeches in the main room.
Again, I would like to pass on my thanks for this event (and your continuing good taste in providing me with stylish shirts the likes of which I would not have considered).

Kind regards,

Thank you 
I used to be a soldier
I marched along with pride
I went to fight in foreign lands
Not all of me survived 
No longer me, I’m not like you
Since I returned from War
I’m different now, now I am weak
Much weaker than before
For I’ve a bullet inside of me
A bullet you can’t see
Not made of metal or such like
Just invisibility
That bullet’s lodged inside
Its lodged inside my brain
It travelled far below my skull
Into my minds membrane
So now I have no fight or flight
My brain it frightens me
You may have heard of this before
Its called PTSD
This thing that sits inside of me
It likes me to stay home
It doesn’t like me to go out
Nor will it let me roam
I need a suit of Armour
Perhaps a magic cloak
Or simply something that is mine
That something is bespoke
That’s when she popped into my room
My Fairy had arrived
She spoke of style and tailoring
It helped me feel revived
So when I wear my magic shirt
Take hold of my black cane
My feelings have such brevity
I start to feel sane
My lovely fairy has a name
A name you may have heard
I think she’s my Maid Marion
Emma Willis, a top bird! 
-Karl, a survivor

Dear Emma,

First I would like to thank you for having myself and my other half at your Christmas Party for Style for Soldiers and thank you for helping us with travel and accommodation.  I thoroughly appreciated it and had an amazing time.

I don't know if you will remember me, I first met you at Headley Court in 2011.  At the time I was wheelchair bound and didn't have a clear prognosis of how much I will be able to recover from injury, apart from hardly any chance of being a father, very unlikely to walk again, have bladder or bowel function either. I was shot in the spine whilst treating a casualty,  I was a Battlefield Advanced Trauma Life Support Nurse.   
When I met you, I was unsure of who you were and thought you were with another unit sorting out the boys for an event. I was very quiet back then, suffering bad with PTSD, angry and annoyed at myself as I saw I failed to get the two lads who were shot in front of me, home alive.

The regiment I was attached to, didn't really do anything for me post injury.  My own cap badge didn't really know how to respond to me, the other people in my cap badge who were at Headley Court were the Nurses working there and there was a that patient/ staff divide.  I felt isolated and alone.

As I wheeled myself away, you actually came chasing me and offered to measure me up for a shirt.  You really took me by surprise, it was the first time since injury where I was made to feel like a person again.  
After that time, I saw you once more at Headley Court, before my discharge in 2013.  I last attended Style for Soldiers Christmas Party when my other half was back at home, very heavily pregnant in 2013.  Which was very unexpected, as I only had less than 5% chance in being able to father kids.   As a result of being a new father for 2014 I was unable to attend that years Christmas party, I was hoping I would have. However by the end of 2014 My misses was pregnant again with our second daughter.  I have attached a picture. Im the one wearing the Grey Huntsman Blazer and one of your white shirts.   I felt proud as punch in that photograph and look back at that photo with huge pride, not only because I have two miracle daughters, but I am pleased with how I look and how far I have come in regaining confidence, as well as overcoming many hurdles placed in front of me in rehab.

Since medical discharge from the Army.  I have now found myself in a very exciting position, I am now a Racing Driver with TeamBRIT (British Racing Injured Troops). A team that has just remodelled itself and have set their goals on a huge ambition to compete in LeMans in 2020.   We are an endurance racing team, where all drivers have been injured, or are suffering with a condition, either physical or mental.   But its not just a racing team, it is a growing team off the track too. We are learning new business skills and also skills in public speaking.  We have to work for the team to help fund our seat.  This means approaching potential sponsors, giving a presentation, or motivational talk, learning about ways in which we can ensure each sponsor gets a return for their donation given. We don't just want to add their label onto the car, we want to help them gain new custom aswell.  This also means, we have to concentrate on a smart image that will sell, we are serious in our ambitions.
This is where I am grateful to you for the Emma Willis shirts and Huntsman Blazers.

I do not have any fears about my body image and have loads of confidence now in knowing, I will be looking smart, whilst talking infront of Executive Officers, Media and also at public speaking engagements and looking the part. 

If you have time,  I have my own website now, for my racing which also has an outline of my story on and a video interview about my injury and recovery.

So once again, thank you Emma.

Merry Christmas.

Best regards,

- Anthony
Emma and Team,

I would like to pass on my sincere thanks for the 'Huntsman' suit you sent me last week; it really was a wonderful surprise. 
The level of support provided to myself and fellow servicemen from people out with the Service is increasingly heartening. The special gifts I have received through Style for Soldiers have positively affected my self-esteem, put a spring in my step and increased my confidence when I needed it most.

Thank you again.

- Chris
Dear Emma,

I just wanted to send you a little email to explain what last night actually maent to myself.

Ever since I got my worst injuries back in 2012 I met yourself Emma at headley court I was not a very popular person as I was very paranoid with how my life has changed I would sit in my room refuse to go to many of appointment I would cry myself to sleep for many of months. Not many of people really know me just someone who they have seen in headley court I find it hard to speak with people and make friends. I have had this problem from day 1 of my injuries last night was the 1st time I have ever left my home alone never mind drive to London and take care of myself but with getting the invitation from yourself it made me want to come along just for the things you have done for myself I got many of compliments with how well dressed I was and you was the reason for all them without you're shirt that would not have been possible. But I did kinda have the cufflinks on totally the wrong way I have never been in a position to wear a shirt the requires cufflinks. Last night was an outstanding event something that made me smile all night long my wife is lucky if i smile once a week last night I could not stop. I do need too apologies for not been able to wear my suit bottoms also shoes as my bottoms where too short and I do not own a pair of shoes. But I did try my best. You're speech was so strong and brave speaking like you did without tears is something I could never do I got tears just writing this message as it's hard to thank you enough for the invitation you sent me to come along. I met people there last night who is willing to help me with many of things in my life yes I can never change how I am with my disabilities but I can learn to live easily with them it's now been 4 years and I still can not understand why I am like the way I am with my disabilities yes I would give anything everything to be pain free. But last night you made that happen I was that happy the pain was nothing to worry about. I am sorry to go on and on i just wanted to send my thanks for everything you have done it means so much. 

Kind regards,

- Leigh

Honestly Emma I can not thank you enough. The amount of things you have done for the better of my future is a dream. I could only wish for the things that you have done to change my life. As I mentioned I never left the house for 3 years due to embarrassment until you sent me that one little email asking if I was coming to the party. I was scared and sadly to say the 1st invitation you sent I did throw in the bin as I did not want my wife to see as she would have made me go. But then you sent an email that my wife read and at that point I thought oh no I need an excuse, I tried everything   Until one day I woke up wanting to start my life and push all my fears away and do what I used to do and be brave. That moment my life changed an you was the reason why and I can not thank you enough it means so much to myself and my family what you have done for us all, not just my life has been made easier but Poppy's life, she can now ask me to go shopping with her I can go with her to take the kids to the school and every time I do this I feel proud of why I am like this. You have not just made a charity to help people with their career you have created something that has changed people's lives. You mean so much to us all thank you for everything.People do need to understand that there are other things in life, don't give up too soon. I gave up for 3 years then suddenly the S4S party changed me for the better. I now think why did I punish myself the way I did for 3 whole years. I did not only punish myself I punished my children, my wife, all my family. I would cry myself to sleep every night over pointless reasons I would hide letters of invitation so my wife would not see. I would make excuses to tell my friends I was away with my family so they could not come around and see me. I pushed everyone away it nearly killed me I was so close to ending everything I had because of how embarrassed I was about my personal appearance , and now I think what a tit, I have lost the last 3 years of my life which where very important to myself. If I could go back 3 years then my life would have been so much better. All it had taken was one invitation, well two :) to go to a style for soldiers party and that one night changed my life. There is one person to thank for that and that is yourself Emma. You mean so much to me and my family, you have made me love and care for my wife not hate her and shout at her every 39 minutes of the day. We now talk, we do many things together and if I am lucky I even get to sleep in the same bed ( obviously we get two children at random times come join us but children are only young once I can not see my kids wanting to get in bed with me when they are 15)  So I am happy that I now get to cherish every moment with them and not hate my life. You made this happen Emma I owe you the world.

Kind Regards,

- Leigh
Thank you Emma

Your kind words are greatly appreciated by my family. You truly are an amazing lady you are the reason us Brits are what we are in the world, that bold Lion or Lioness that roars out and makes us great. I say that with meaning I truly do. I have been in tough fights around the world am I am privileged to do it to defend my family, friends, nation and people like yourself. Trust me I am indebted to you and the nation than you are to us.

Many many thanks and Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you , your family and staff.

Best Regards,

- Simon

Dear Emma,

It was an absolutely amazing Christmas party and it was really good to see you and the guys from Headley again. Meeting The Prince was wonderful. And the gift delivered to the hotel room really dropped my jaw. Kelli also loved every bit of it. In a way this event wasn't just a superb experience, but also very inspiring.

It got me thinking that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, but what matters is what we do with it. Seeing the amount of time and effort you and your team have put into 'Style for Soldiers' and also "little things", like Ross Barr had handwritten all the cards. It makes me want to use my day more productively and lift up others around me.

Thank you Emma, wish you all the best,

- Kristjan
Dear Emma,

I just wanted to thank you very much indeed for the cufflinks.  I am absolutely chuffed to bits with them and I could not be more grateful. It is amazing all that you do for injured service men and women.  
I hope that you had a really good Christmas and all of the very best for 2017.

Many thanks again for an extremely generous present.  I am deployed at the moment (hence the email on NYE!) but I shall wear them with pride when I return. 

Yours sincerely,

- Nick
Hi Emma,

Thanks for the award, my wife is over the moon that we scooped, "The glamorous couple of the night award." Thanks your undoubting attention to detail eye. We feel absolutely humbled and do accept the award.. Can I please mention that your contribution towards the confidence and the smiles that's oozing from us has to do with your generosity and help that you have shown to us. The Russell and Bromley pair of shoes, the cufflinks just to mention but a few have lots to do with me getting back the much needed confidence that I lost after spending almost two years on a wheelchair and using crutches. I went for an interview for a work placement at QinetiQ and was able to get it. I cant thank you enough for all the goodies that you have sent me in the past that have instrumented my confidence and given me my life back.

Special thanks for the monkey that my two sons absolutely love, they keep for fighting for it, matter of fact my youngest son Jason goes to bed with it. I did get the Cufflinks and the Christmas card in due time for the Xmas Party.

My wife has been singing lots of songs of praises of you today. She received her gorgeous purse that only matches her beauty "cheeky". Emma the purse is so beautifully made, pure leather and have a very elegant and glamorous look. Words are not enough to thank you, just know that we are grateful for everything that you have done for me and my family.

Once again have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Kind regards,

- James
Dear Emma,

Firstly I Just wanted to extend a massive thank you for having me along to your Christmas function. It really is one of the highlights of the calendar. It is not very often you get to see some of the genuine injuries lads I had the privilege of serving with. As you can imagine once discharge each man or woman gets engulfed in their own goals and lives and it is not often we get together. It was a treat to meet some of my fellow brothers in arms and spend the evening with them in such a fantastic setting.

Thank you once again for all the work and effort you do for us. I know you have heard lots of the lads say that you really cannot put a price on what you do. 

Kind Regards,

- Simon
Morning Emma,

Just like to thank you and your team for a FANTASTIC night, great to meet a lot of old comrades, had a great time.

Thank you from all the Headley patients we all had a great night, a few sore heads on parade, but I’m sure the morning the circuit at 10am will clear the sore heads.

Many Many Thanks,

- Mark

Hi Emma

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say thank you so much for the party last night. Having not been able to make it in previous years I just wanted to let you know how great a time I had.

I picked up my suit & shorts from Kashket yesterday as well & wore it to the event. I'm not really one for clothes or fashion but I have to say that the suit that Russell made was INCREDIBLE. I was getting lots of compliments on it last night without even mentioning that it was a new suit & I NEVER get told I look good in suit so that speaks volumes.

I was also rocking the shirt, tie and the cufflinks you gave me so thank you so much for sending those, unfortunately I couldn't get the watch on with one hand but next time I'll squash my pride and ask for help.
Thanks again Emma it really is great what you have built and its clear to see after last night that it has helped so many people.

Have a great Christmas and New Year.

Best Wishes,

- Mark
Emma and the team…
I don't know how to put this into words! you are amazing ! thank you so much
for welcoming me, my daughter ashlee and my assistance dog jerry last night
... the whole evening was one of the best times of my life ... since being
wounded and having PTSD my daughter and myself have not really spent anytime
together (I was not a nice person) since having my assistance dog ' jerry'
from service dogs UK and support from fabulous , amazing people like you ,my
life has turned around! you make every bit of difference .. YOU and your
STAFF .. Thank you is a small word for what I want to say ... there you go 

I've run out of words, sorry 

- Mark
Hello Emma and Team,

Both myself and my partner Jennifer Price, just wanted to say what a fantastic night we had last night. This was the first time Jennifer had been to one of your evenings and absolutely loved speaking to fellow military partners!

For me it gave me chance to catch up with very old and good friends, the location was spectacular and we had an absolutely lovely evening.

The work Emma you and your team do means so much to us guys!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and New Year.

Many thanks, 

- Clive
It seemed like it just flashed by and it was time to go. Was so good to see so many people that I met whilst in Headley court and have a good catch up with them. 

- Luke
Dear Emma,

Wow - the Style for Soldiers Christmas Reunion Party was fabulous in every respect. It is a privilege to be invited to the Party and bare witness to your boundless energy. Having spoken to other military personnel the feedback received is equally impressive and without your support they, and I would not have made the recovery we have made today.

The words spoken by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales were inspirational. Your words tell of the effort you, your team and sponsors put in to the Charity. Most of all you are compassionate and a beacon shining bright for the soldiers - thank you.

I was a little overwhelmed when I turned up and I apologise for not speaking to you as well I should have - it's the stroke, but it is improving. Throughout the evening I spoke to your father and a couple of your relatives; we exchanged stories from the days of their National Service to more recent military events and on my near future plans - I intend to ride a motorbike around the world! 

Kindest regards, 

- Danny
Dearest Emma

Thank you so very much for inviting myself and Lisa last night, we both had a wonderful time. We were lucky enough to be one of the first guests and enjoyed a very peaceful look around the rooms and were both in absolute awe of the architecture and paintings. The food was also scrumptious and we would both like you to please pass on our thanks to all the benefactors, staff and helpers. 

Kindest and warmest wishes for Christmas.

- Karl
Hi Emma

I would just like to say thank you for my invite to the Christmas Party on Wednesday night. I had an amazing time and it was brilliant too see the other guys who have been through Headley Court but have moved on to their new adventures so I had a lot of catching up to do.

Also I would like to say thank you much for my shirt, tie and cufflinks that you sent to my house.

I hope you and your staff have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


- Stuart
What an amazing night. Had so much fun. Cant thank you guys enough.

Many thanks again and cant wait until next time. 

- Matthew

We would just like to send a massive thank you for inviting us to the party at Spencer house yesterday evening.  It was an honour and a privilege to be there. We had such a lovely time and it was so nice to be able to reunite with old friends and make new ones.

Once again, a big heartfelt thank you from myself and Trena for such a lovely evening.

- Calvin

Dear Emma

Thank you for a brilliant night at Spencer house. Style for Soldiers Christmas party  Was brilliant and outstanding. 

Merry Christmas to yourself and your staff Emma.


- John
Dear All,

I would just like to say to everyone from myself as I useless in person, Thank you very much for the Christmas Party It was amazing, and for the Shirt, Tie and Cuff links.

Such a busy location I couldn't of even been close too let alone been inside of, but I felt warm, welcomed and appreciated a truly lovely evening.

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Brilliant New year, Plenty of Wining and Dining!

Thank you again for this year it has really made it for me.
Many Thanks.

Kindest Regards,

- David
Dear Emma, Alice and Team,

Many, many thanks for the wonderful cufflinks and card, I was totally taken aback by them.
I saw the package addressed to me and wondered what could it be, I had not ordered anything?

When I opened it I was still unsure and then saw the Style for Soldiers logo and was lost for words, they are mightily impressive and very different.
All I can say is:


Kindest regards and best wishes

- Mark
Dear Emma,

I thank you very much for my cufflinks & Christmas card that I have received this year. 
Honestly makes me smile even every year, people like you are few & far between. 
Thank you so much & have a lovely Christmas & New year. 

- Daniel

I've just opened the gift you have sent me. The cufflinks are absolutely beautiful! I will wear them with pride. 
Thank you for all you do for all of us.

Wishing you and everyone at Emma Willis a great Christmas and a very happy New Year!


- Jonathan
Hi Emma,

Thanks for your reply, I'll be in town on Fri 9th Dec, staying overnight and then will pop into the shop on Saturday. Looking forward to it but such a pity I won't be around for the party. But love looking at the gallery of photos and reading the speeches you always post online, that is a great way to stay connected. 

Thanks Emma, you really do creep into the hearts of us ragged, limpy but thankful army types. 

Bless you,

- Gav
Thank you very much for the fantastic shirt looks and fits great and a great surprise (Watch).
Really looking forward to meeting you all at the Xmas Party.

- Mark

I am flabbergasted/dumbfounded for this is too much to believe. Who on earth will be that much giving and sacrificial? This could only be EMMA WILLIS!! 
I have received your big box of gift and as a matter of fact no words will be enough to ascertain or express how grateful and appreciative I am: this is too much Emma!!

All what I can say is, "thank you Emma".

Shalom and blessings 

- Jonathan
Hello Emma,

I received an email from Help for Heroes saying you've donated 30 suits to be given out to BoB.  I will not be able to make it but just wanted to drop this quick email to say thank you on behalf of all injured soldiers.  Your acts of selfless service for the interest and betterment of us is truly well appreciated.

May your good deeds never go unnoticed and unrewarded.  As you keep giving out willingly may your cup never cease to run over and always have good success. 

Please my greeting to Jade and Tori.

We are grateful.

Thank you

- Jonathan
Hi Emma,

How are you doing? Hope you are ok and all is well. I just want to let you know that I managed to go to Russell and Bromley retail shop in Guildford and picked up my pair of shoe. I am absolutely over the moon, they do fit perfect and feel so comfy. I have been struggling to get leather shoes that doesn't aggravate my nerve damage on my foot and these do tick every tick in the box. These shoes have definitely boosted my much needed confidence that I need. I will be going for a work placement interview at Qinetiq Farnborough in December, so cant wait. I cant thank you enough for sorting this for me.
Have a good day and I do look forward to seeing you for the Style for Soldiers Xmas Party.

- James

Hi Emma,

Thank you so much for looking after me and all the other Band of Brothers your name is mentioned with affection every time we meet at Tedworth House or on a course somewhere.

- Michael

That's amazing and extremely generous. I'd like to say thank you to yourself and to the charity for your ongoing support and help for injured soldiers like myself.

Yours sincerely,

- Kevin

Hello Emma,

It was indeed a blessing meeting you and the team; you made not only my day but my week and month and probably my year. 
Thank you for all the good work. On behalf of all injured soldiers I say we are grateful and appreciate all the things you are doing to bring smiles on our faces and lighten our moods. Please extend my sincere gratitude to Jade and Tory for me.

I will be sending you pictures of my kids soon as I was unable to show you any good ones on my phone. 

Thank you 

- Jonathan
Hi there. 

All I can say is WOW!!! Thank you so much. Since losing my leg I have never really asked or received any thing off a charity as I have always felt uncomfortable. I am absolutely overwhelmed at you generosity and am so grateful for the shirt, watch, tie and the socks. The shirt fits brilliantly and I look forward to wearing it this weekend at an important birthday party. I can't really put it into words how happy it has made me not only the excellent gifts but knowing there are people who support the armed forces so passionately. All I can say again Is a huge THANKYOU!!!

- Patrick
I’m actually wearing the shirt you made me right now.  I had my job interview at 1200 today.  I've got the job.  They all commented that I looked the part!

Thank you so much.

- Martin
Just sending you massive thank you.

The shirt is beautiful and I was really surprised by the socks which are beautiful 


- John
To Emma Willis

I would like to say many many thanks for the gift voucher and invite to London. Also how much help you give to ex servicemen. If I can help out in any way please e mail me or phone on the number below, I am good friends with Andy Reid 

Kind regards, 

- Mark

I can confirm 100% Amanda and I will be attending this year's Xmas party.

You have given me too much already Emma - 2 shirts, grey suit from M&S, and a pair of shoes that I haven't collect yet, accommodation and much more.  I appreciate the kind offer though.  I do this for the love of you, your goodwill, care and kind heart, and your amazing charity that I so dearly love as it's my fav.


- Philip
Hi Emma, I Wanted to say thanks for the Tux shirt you sent me for my holiday cruise to Norway with my wife it was a fantastic fit and I certainly felt the part. 

- Steve
Hi Emma

I just wanted to say thank you again for the M&S vouchers you gave me, I wore the jacket and trousers I got with them for the first time today at my pension appeal hearing.
Because of your kind gift I felt I more confident to face the panel and I'm chuffed as I won my appeal so I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your help.

Dear Emma

I would like to say thanks to you and everyone involved with arranging the family day at Woburn safari park yesterday. I came down from Yorkshire with my wife, Gemma and our four children and we all had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed the safari. The barbecue was great and a good opportunity for us to say hello to a few other people that are in the same situation. Emma, you and your daughter, Isy did a great job and really made us feel welcome and we really appreciated the great job Isy did with looking after our baby girl whilst Gemma had her lunch.

It was great for my family, to see that there are others. Sadly, after I got injured we were handled in a poor way and my family were left isolated whilst I recovered so for them especially it was a positive experience and a great day which we all enjoyed. 

With our kindest regards,

- Shaun Causer and Family
Hi there to all,

Just a quick email to thank you all for organising the trip out to Woburn safari park. My self, my partner Alix and my two boys Freddie and Dean absolutely loved it. We are really thankful for all your hard work and I'm sure I speak for every one who attended in saying a massive thank you. We hope to see you all again soon. If you could let Emma know this too I would be most grateful.
Thank you again.

P.S The Boys loved the stuffed monkeys

- Paul

I would like to say a big thank you for the socks and the day at Woburn safari me, the wife and my two girls really enjoyed it.
Once again Thank you 

- Neil
Thank you so much for the shirt and voucher to get a suit, I  used it to attend my friends wedding , the shirt you made really complimented the whole thing . The stick is not in shot , but I do use it more for show than mobility.

- Bruce

I'm so pleased we captured this photo, it just tipped off a beautiful day out for the families. 
Style for Soldiers - You must be extremely proud of this fabulous charity and what you have achieved through dedicated time and effort. We are both extremely proud of you and want to continue to be part of this.  

My fav charity by far.

- Philip and Amanda
You do a sterling job with much admiration, enthusiasm and motivation that put many others to shame. We are both so very proud of you and to be part of your Style for Soldiers charitable organisation. Hats off to Isy too....following in mum's footsteps.

A lovely day had by all who attended and looks like there's a few cheeky monkeys in the photo. Caption "Spot Emma Willis"
Any other help required Emma I'm your man.

My fav charity by a country mile.

Dear Emma and Style for Soldiers,

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you, your charity Style for Soldiers and Russell & Bromley for my new shoes or shall I say my posh new shoes. I am humbled and very great full beyond belief. The staff at the Russell & Bromley store in Cheltenham were so kind and helpful and very understanding to my injury of brain damage as I can get very overwhelmed easy which tends to shut down my abilities. 

Hi Emma

It was the best day we have had as a family in a long time all down to you and your team. 
Amelia has not let go of her sock monkey yet and has named it 'two' ha ha. 

See you next week.

- Dave
Hi Emma

I just wanted to thank you and your team very much. My family had a brilliant day at Woburn safari park and really enjoyed meeting every one and seeing all the animals.
I hope I can make it next time Emma and finally meet you all . Thank you again for your kindness.

Kind regards, 

- Ian
Hi Emma,

My name is Louis Farrell, we met at headley court recently, you measured me for a shirt and for a stick.
Your work is extraordinary and the effort that you and your associates put in to making us feel better and look better is amazing.
I just want to say thank you and if there is anything at all I can do to assist in what you are doing, please let me know.
Even something as small as an event/visit to the Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton Somerset.

Thank you all very much.

- Louis
Hi Emma and team,

I hope you are well and continuing to enjoy the summer. First and fore most I would like to say many thanks for the Russell & Bromley pair of shoes voucher.The shoes will without a shadow of doubt make me acquire back my confidence and self esteem that have been lost overtime due to my current physical limitations. This will be definitely a massive confidence booster. Kindly pass my many thanks and appreciation to P Wright for such immense generosity.

Many thanks once again Emma for your unmeasurable devotion to injured soldiers, you indeed make us feel appreciated and your tireless effort is much appreciated by us and our families. Have a good day and enjoy your Summer.

Kind regards,

- James
Hi Emma,

Hope you and the family doing ok? 
I received your voucher yesterday and want to say thanks to you and everybody involved to making me feel loved and the offer.
Again if there is any way you will need my service to do some voluntary work for the charity to help me give back for all of this love shown me, I will be very glad to do so. 

This just came at a very good time as i am just awaiting a job interview. 

Thank you very much and God bless you all. Keep up the good work. 


- Henry

Just a quick email to say it was very nice to meet you at Headley court and that I have received my shirts safely and they are amazing. Thank you so much and your support for myself and other injured personnel is incredible and it really does mean a lot. I hope I get to meet you again to thank you in person.

A massive thank you


- Paul
Hi Emma

I am presently sitting watching a documentary called "life after war" and you are on it  I was touched by your generosity in making clothes for your service men and women.  Walk tall and be happy because people who have never met you or never had anything to do with you have had a happy feeling inside because people like you are doing good things for people who are having a bad day (or more).

From humanity THANK YOU.

- Phil (Australia)
Dear Emma,

Thank you for your email, and the super efficient Kristal is indeed all over it! And believe me, and I'm pretty sure I speak for all the injured guys, we really appreciate the help and support we get from someone as selfless and dedicated as yourself, it really does make a difference to us. I am very much looking forward to a regimental walking stick, like I said before the NHS one just doesn't quite cut it sartorially and regimental identity is still very important to all of us even in retirement. I wish I could say the shirt you made for me still fits, but alas I'm slightly larger now than when I was first blown up, something I am working on so I can fit back into it! My current collar size is 17.5. I'm afraid I won't make it to the Woburn Safari day, but I will definitely be at the Christmas party,  it's something I look forward to every year! 

Thank you again for everything that you do, 

Kind Regards,

- Pete
Thank you so much for the M&S gift voucher that you sent at the start of January. I used to start a civilian clothing wardrobe, apparently cargo trousers and t-shirts won’t cut it in an office?! I also used a bit of it as a treat for a new bag to try and preserve the lines of my new clothing and it’s working out really well. It came at a difficult financial time but also at a time of hope as I was starting a new job that required a new wardrobe. That job is going really well and I would have struggled to fit in with my previous wardrobe. So once again, thank you!

Have a lovely Monday and I look forward to the next update.

- Matt
Hi Emma,

It's always good to hear from you. My family looks forward to Woburn Safari. I received my posh Lock&Co Hatters hat, the buffalo walking stick, Emma Willis shirt and also did spent the M&S voucher on clothes. I can't say enough how delighted I am. I can honestly say that when I wear the suit and the shirt, it does help massively boost the lost self esteem  during formal meetings and interviews. Many thanks Emma. Kindly let me know if you would  like me to participate or help raise funds for any charity in future, since I am now part of the team, I feel like I have to do my bit. 

Kind regards,

- James
Hi Emma,

Hope you are well and enjoying the brilliant weather. Once again I would like to thank you for your selfless commitment and dedication to all the injured soldiers. Your absolute dedication and hard work into Style for Soldiers is definitely recognised and massively appreciated by we the injured soldier, the smiles on the injured soldiers during this dinner tells it all.

I do look forward for future events and to get reunited with all the X Headley Court patients, Style for Soldiers staff and its philanthropists, you know it's always a pleasure to see you Emma Wills too. Have a good day Emma.

Kind regards,

- James
Dear Style for Soldiers,

I am an injured veteran, wounded in Afghanistan in 2010, and I was lucky enough to be at Headley court when Emma came up in the relatively early days and got my hands on one of her shirts, and I also regularly attend the awesome Christmas party that you host, which is always an epic get together. The reason I am emailing is regarding a walking stick, I was blown up and whilst I still have both my legs, one of them is pretty badly damaged, and as such walking long distances can be a bit difficult. I recently read in your update about these walking sticks that you have been making for the guys and I've seen a couple and they are brilliant. I was wondering if I might be able to get hold of one? The NHS canes whilst functional, don't quite cut the mustard looks wise, and a regimental one would be an absolutely awesome way to get around. 

I look forward to hearing back from you. 

Kind Regards,

- Peter
Dear Emma,

I am writing to you to express my sincere appreciation for inviting Candy and i to the prodigious Style for Soldiers dinner at Le Caprice on 24 May 2016.  The whole evening was a fantastic success and I am so appreciative of the beautifully crafted cufflinks and the elegant watch that i received at the event.

I am today separately writing to Alice Made This and to Birline Ltd to thank them for the fantastic gifts and to express my praise for their continued support for Style for Soldiers in the form of the bespoke Style for Soldiers cufflinks and the Birline watch with a bespoke S4S strap that the two companies are kindly allowing your charity to purchase at cost price.

It was such a delight to introduce Candy to you, she was blown away by your kindness and fabulous hosting skills.  Candy has asked me to warmly thank you for making her feel so special on her birthday and for facilitating the fabulous handbag that she received from Lisa Armstrong.

I was sad not to have the opportunity to again thank Lt General Sir George Norton for his continued patronage of the Style for Soldiers Charity. 

Sincerely Yours, 

- Major Bruce

Once again a spectacular faultless evening of fine wines, food, speeches, gifts, friends and beautiful girls!

Your parties are just so easy going yet I know how much hard work goes into them. The only problem is that there is not enough time in one night to speak to everyone and thank everyone that support you. 
I hope you're able to put your feet up if only for a few minutes, but from me an enormous thank you.

All the very best

- Alex
Emma came into Headley court and fitted injured servicemen with bespoke shirts handmade in the UK at no expense spared! She actually came to Headley on a night once a month and sat with the troops and measured us all up individually before making our very own Emma Willis shirt......she also had to listen to all our war stories and quite crude conversations.
Emma gave back a bit of pride of appearance to the injured troops with these handmade shirts and not only that but got us walking canes and suits if needed. If she found out you had a resettlement interview for work she made you a new shirt. Truly amazing!!

That was over 6 years ago, she now does a whole load more than that and has the infamous style for soldiers brand which gives back so much more.

- Mike
Hi Emma

I hope this finds you well.

It was wonderful to meet with you again last month at Headley and I would like to stress just how much kind gesture means to me and others alike.

My reason for making Contact is such that I have just received not one but three Beautiful shirts in the post.

I have not yet seen them in person as I am currently on admission however I am totally and utterly overwhelmed by this gesture.

For a fashion conscious individual and one who takes great pride and a boost in self confidence through feeling great in a garment, your shirts truly are a gift that keeps Giving. 

- Jordan
Got my stick in the post this morning and would like to say a big thank you for it is is amazing.

- George
Hello Emma.

I look forward to it! A few new clothes would be very much welcome! I'll try to get some pictures to you!!! Thank you so much!!!  You and your team are saints! Put a smile on my face in a very hard time! Thank you!!

- Jack
Dear Emma,

What a cracking offer from M&S, one that I will definitely been taken advantage of. Once again I would like to thank you for all the hard work that no doubt went into securing this from M&S. 
Your support to us wounded and broken soldiers means a lot to me personally, beyond looking good, which is important, you make us feel that we matter. Trying to make sense of my life after 24 years service, a service that in many ways gave my life meaning, has sometimes been difficult. After losing my leg, trying to redefine who I am in a positive way can be a constant battle and is often hard graft. Looking good and wearing nice clothes is a good start in feeling positive about oneself. Your continued support and hard work on our behalf is testament that we are of worth and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you also for the invitation for the family day out, unfortunately I am unable to attend, but hopefully I'll see you again at this years Christmas bash. I'm especially looking forward to it as I missed last years.

Thank you again.


- Lee
Thank you so much. This is an incredible gift and such proof of what a great job the SfS team is doing.

I appreciate this so much especially as I have moved to South Africa post-injury and medical discharge. Hard to get M&S quality over there. 
Thanks you so much.

With much appreciation and gratitude to you and Marks,

- Gav
Dear Emma,

Wow, what a fantastic gesture and a superb gift. I thank, you and M&S for your very kind generosity.
I wore your shirt to a job interview in February, and am very happy to say that I got that job, it felt really good  and I'm sure gave me a little boost in confidence going into the interview knowing I looked good, THANK YOU again!

Kindest regards,

- Mark (the employed)
I am very honoured to have been gifted one of your shirts and a beautiful walking stick in 2013 after I was injured in Afghanistan. I wear the shirt to any function or meeting worthy of such smart attire, including my finale in the military, my medical board.

Thank you so much for the voucher. I can confirm I have received it and am genuinely taken back once again by your generosity.

With much gratitude, 

- Yiannis
This is amazing guys thank you so so much for the Marks and Spencer's voucher. Could not believe it, I am totally blown away. 

I really can not thank you enough.

My Kindest Regards,

- Simon
WOW thank you so much that is the best treat I have received for a long time. You guys are the best along with Marks and Spencer. I have just placed my order, You lot never fail to amaze me, thanks so much you have made me happy which is very hard to achieve.

- Leigh
Hi Emma

I would just like to say thank you for your kind offer of the family day out. I'm sorry but I won't be able to come this time, but I appreciate the offer and how kind you have been.

The shirt you gave me still looks brilliant .

Kind regards 

- Ian
Many many thanks, it’s humbling the support the injured lads and lasses are receiving, we can’t thank people like yourself enough. This means a great deal.

- Steve

I'd like to express a huge thank you for the M&S voucher for a new suit. This couldn't have dropped at a better time for me and i really appreciate all that you and your team do for us! Thank you!


- Mark
I'll message you when I've collected the Mulberry Back pack that you've sent me. Thank you for that Emma. You really do look after the injured soldiers Emma.

- Ricky
Hi Emma,

I have just received my shirt that you measured me up for whilst I was recovering from a broken neck and back at Headley Court. The shirt fits me perfectly and I cannot wait to wear it at my next official function with the Royal Marines.

Thank you very much,

Kind regards,

- Ian
Dearest Emma,

Thank you so much for the invitation. I would love to attend.

The Family Day Out at Woburn Safari Park also looks fantastic and as soon as I can confirm whether or not I can get the day off work I will let your team know. 
Thank you so much for all these fantastic events. You are such an inspiration to me and to so many of my colleagues. 

Kind Regards

- Bruce
Hi Emma,

I trust you had a good weekend,

I'm wearing another of your amazing shirts today alongside my huntsman suit and I have my new bag on my wheel chair (I will email mulberry to thank them properly), I feel and look like a total boss. I don’t think I say this enough but thank you for all the things you do for me and the guys, it’s very selfless and means a lot to all of us.


- Matt

It was a pleasure to finally meet you and thank you for everything you have done, not only for me but to everyone you have helped.

It is an absolute honour to say I have had the pleasure of meeting you. I really hope we get the opportunity to catch up again sometime in the future! 

Thank you for the voucher also, it is of a huge help to me.

People often call soldiers heroes and we never really know how to reply. But I know this, if ever there was a saint to walk amongst us, well it's been a pleasure. 

Stay safe and please keep in touch! 

- Andrew
Good morning Emma,

Words cannot describe the gratitude i have for all that is style for soldiers. Thank you so much for the shirts i cannot wait to get one on this weekend at a skiing with heroes event.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

- David
Hi Emma

I'm wearing one of your lovely new shirts as well as my huntsman suit and my new Dunhill accessories. As they say, don’t dress for the job, you have to dress for the job you want, if that is the case I should be running the bank.

The new shirts really are perfect, I feel like a total boss wearing a tie and its great actually being able to do up the top button on my shirt without help. 

- Matt
Hi just to let you know my M&S order arrived yesterday. I tried on everything and my wife said I looked a different person. She will be adding a thank you to the Style for Soldiers web site. Thank you Kristal and Emma and everyone at the charity for helping me in this darker time in my life


- Keith
Hi Emma

Thank you very much for the voucher, you treat us amazing and I have been to one of your parties as well so we have met. You are incredible for what you do and I can't thank you enough this will help me for my big wedding this year have a fantastic weekend.

- Craig
I am writing to thank you for the shirt which arrived in time for the wedding. I can't express enough gratitude for a fantastic garment, I felt very privileged to wear it. Thanks again for your generosity.

- Paul
Good Morning,

Just a note to say thank you very much for the walking stick you kindly made and sent me from Style for Soldiers. It will be very well looked after and used frequently with pride. 

Thanks again. 

Kind Regards,

- Karen

Thank you (and M&S) for this very generous offer, of which I have recently availed myself. 

Also thank you again for your continuing support.

- Gavin
I just wanted to say Thank you.

My stick is awesome and is already helping me out and helping my rehab.

It is great to know there are still loads of people out there still helping out injured service personnel.

Once again many thanks.

- Dave
Good afternoon, 

I received my cane this morning & I'm absolutely over the moon with it.  Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart, you've no idea how happy you guys have made me.

Thank you

- Karl
Hello Emma, 

Wow thank you so much for this.

I must apologies for not attending the Style for Soldiers event. I have moved house now and my Dad always ends up giving me an invite a weeks later saying it has come for me! Always to bloody late! 
I will be sure to come with on of the guys next time as always see Ricky at loads of events.

Thank you for you constant work with our injured guys. Your name is always getting brought up so believe me you are very much loved by us all!

Thank you again!

- Andy
Good afternoon Emma,

I hope you received the flowers i dropped in on Friday? They are a small thank you from myself for all that you do for us guys leaving the forces.

Your support and selflessness deserves all the recognition in the world.

Have a lovely day 

Kind regards,

- David
Good morning Emma, 

I just want to say thank you very much for the tailored shirt, it fits perfectly. I had a function with Roseville yesterday and most definitely looked the smartest in the room... If I may say so myself. 

Thank you and hope to catch up soon. 

Kindest regards, 

- Jaco
Dear Emma,

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for this offer from M&S, it is incredibly generous. Really am quite taken aback by it, sincere thanks to you and all involved.

Very much looking forward to spending it.


- Gari

Thank you so much for your generosity. I greatly appreciate everything you do.

Thank you again.

Best wishes,

- Paul

I'm not entirely sure how to respond. Once again I'm completely humbled by your generosity.

All I can convey is my heart felt thanks. 

Kind regards,

- Jake
Dear Emma,

Wow, what can I say, what a fabulous surprise. Thank you very much for the fantastic gift from Marks and Spencer. The energy and the enthusiasm you give for Style for Soldiers is incredible. I can't wait to go online shopping and wear my new wardrobe.

- Danny
Hi Emma,

Thank you for all your work and dedication to us servicemen and woman. I would like to say thank you for the voucher you kindly sent to me to use to buy a new suit etc. Thanks to you I have a lovely new suit. Emma, I am very much humbled by your generosity. You are an amazing lady. Thank you

- Dominic
'I'm wearing the shirt you gave me yesterday, it’s simply incredible, and easily the most comfortable thing I have. '

- Matt Weston
Dear Emma,

My word!! Thank you so so much! We couldn't believe it when the email came through, we were going to hire a suit for Dean, however thanks to your kindness we have just left Marks and Spencer one suit richer! Dean is soooooo grateful and happy and can't believe how kind you are. We cannot tell you how much this means to us and we so look forward to meeting you at the party to tell you in person.

Emma you have made such a difference for Dean.

Thank you again,

- Gen

Firstly Happy New Year.

I’d just like to say thank you for your continued support to me and my fellow injured colleagues with your charity, and thank you so much for your continued invites to the Style for Soldiers Christmas party.
Thank you also for the offer of a suit and men's accessories, this has come in a very timely manner as I”m going to Downing St reception.

Thank you once again.

- Craig
Hello all at the style for soldiers team,

I would once again like to express my gratitude to yourselves for the support and effort that you all supply.

I have received a walking stick from yourselves before and when I managed to damage it you were more than helpful in the repair of said stick which is used on a daily basis as I can trust it to hold me up when others have not. Also I have just received my new tailoring from Marks and Spencer thanks to yourselves again this will be extremely useful as I have just started my new career in contracts management in the care industry and regularly meet clientele and my appearance means so much to me so once again Emma Willis and Style for Soldiers have been crucial in that as-well so thank you once again and keep up the amazing work.

- Travis
Dear Emma,

I am just writing to say a very big thank you for the lovely walking stick that I received the other day in the post. It's an awesome gesture and it is very much appreciated by me, as is the fabulous shirt that I was fitted with when I came to visit your shop back in the beginning of last November. I am currently still posted over in Germany but I'm getting set to move back to the UK this year. I'll have a few courses to do, to get me qualified in a particular field of work.

This should make my transition to civilian life a lot smoother, once again I'd just like to say a big thank you to you and all of your staff who helped me along the way.


- John

Once again I would like to thank you and your busy team for the 'Style for Soldiers' Christmas Party; it was fabulous. It is so important for myself to see and chat to other soldiers fighting their own battles and how well they are doing.

- Danny
Good Morning Emma and the Style for Soldiers Team,

I just wanted to pass on my absolute thanks to You and your Team for hosting another amazing evening last Thursday at your Style for Soldiers Christmas get together.
Once again you went out of your way to make us feel so comfortable, valued and welcome.

The work that you do and put in for injured servicemen and women is truly beyond imagination and I for one could not begin to thank You and your Team enough. Further the Christmas Event that you organised to bring us all together speaks volumes and was the icing on the cake.

I will be forever in your debt, at one of the bleakest times in my life that literally cost me everything, You and your Team were there to take my measurements for one of your amazing shirts. From the outside what seemed like a small gesture of good will provided me with the shirt and confidence to succeed at interview and propelled me to where I am now. 
Once again Thank You and your Team for putting on another Amazing evening and everything you have and continue to do for Servicemen and Women 

My Kindest Regards

- Dan


Can you please pass on my thanks to Emma for inviting me and the W4W guys to the Christmas party, it was really great to catch up with some old friends and to meet some new ones.
I am so pleased for the team and Emma with that huge announcement, it was always destined for great things  with such great people behind it and it's so great to see recognition at such a high level which will secure a prosperous and sustainable future for the charity.

Merry Christmas,

- Matt
Good morning 

Emma you are absolutely lovely and your generosity towards guys and girls like myself hold no boundaries. I'm extremely grateful to you for this very kind offer and can't wait to get myself suited and booted for your Christmas party. 

Best regards 

- Andy
Dear Emma and team

I’m sending this email on behalf of Jamie to say a huge thank you for your generosity.
Jamie and I have been to M&S and chosen a new set of kit for Christmas with the voucher you provided. They boy is suited and booted and looks quite dapper!
It’s such a small phrase and doesn’t seem nearly enough to say – but Thank You again.
We hope that you and your team have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and that all your wishes come true.
You are a special and selfless person and that is getting rarer in this world.

Best wishes,

- Diann and Jamie
Hi Emma,

Firstly i would like to thank you for such a lovely present from you and M & S, I am really touched with how kind you are. If our world had more people like you and your team we would have such a lovely world to live in. I can only speak for all our injured service personnel on how appreciated we are with your kindness and dedication.
Please pass on my thanks to your team and have a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year. 

Best Wishes

- Dominic
Dear Ms Willis,

Thank you so very much for this gift, such a lovely gesture! I really am at a loss for words at this.

So Thank you very much again.

Yours Faithfully, 

- David
Afternoon Emma,

I just wanted to let you know that the shirt arrived yesterday and it's absolutely stunning, and I will enjoy the very kind kind gift which you so generously donated.
You do tremendous work and I hope that you receive the credit and rewards for such kind endeavours to those of us in need.
I wish you, your family and all the staff at Emma Willis a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

Kind regards,

- Dave
Wow, thank you very much for the shoes which fit like a glove. Please thank everyone for everything that is done for us; fabulous.

- Danny
Good Evening,

My name is Sergeant Sean Jones MC I am a serving soldier and I am based in Germany, I have just seen a segment on BFBS television here in Germany about the fantastic work you are doing with injured soldiers I was injured myself in 2008 in Afghanistan by an IED and I was awarded the Military Cross for my actions in an ambush in 2012 and it's absolutely brilliant that there are people like yourself in the world and more importantly in Britain, that support us service men and women. If there is anything I can ever do to help promote your generosity or even your normal business please do not hesitate to ask.


- Sean
Dear Emma,

The Style for Soldiers party was yet another tremendous success and best of all an opportunity to catch up with the wounded in such a fun environment.
Thank you for all that you have done for those of us in the ‘ wounded community’. Your shirts, sticks and the grooming all do so much to help us feel better about ourselves at a point in our recovery when we are perhaps at our most vulnerable. I for one will never forget your kindness the evening we met at Headley Court several years ago, and your ongoing generosity of time and spirit really do make a difference.

Yours ever,

Colonel David Richmond CBE

I received my beautiful pink shirt today and fits a dream and can't wait to wear it for the Xmas party, I'm going to get a nice tie to match now - Thank you so much for being you and being so generous.
Week One Exercise Brownlee Baton up date......

The team collectively has cycled 250 miles, ran 100 miles and swam 500 lengths, so all in all burnt a few calories, changed a few punctures and fought against some strong coastal breezes and snap rain showers. All in a week's work but S4S is definitely worth the pain.
We've raised to date £1,500.
Kind regards, your No1 S4S fan.

- Philip
Hi Emma,

Just wanted to thank you for my lovely bag, I'm sure my mother told you I go a bit high pitched when I get excited, only dogs understood me yesterday :D
Hopefully I'll get to meet you in person soon! 

Have a lovely day! Thanks again!

- Sharna
Hello Emma

I am planning from 12-23 Oct, Exercise Brownlee Baton in which soldiers within teams will cycle, run and swim across Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. 
The aim is to up the level of personal fitness within our Sector and also promote Army careers within schools, colleges, Uni's and leisure centres. As I come up with the idea and being chief organiser, my love for S4S gets the vote for our chosen charity once again?

Just watched your interview on American TV - wow so very impressive how much you have accomplished in life. Your hard work, dedication and total commitment never goes a miss with me and you inspire me.  I know I repeat myself but your selfless commitment is just amazing and for this reason I will always choose S4S for any charitable event I compete in.

Your favourite S4S fan.

Kind regards,

- Phillip
I received both the walking stick and shirt this morning, WOW!
Unbelievable, thank you so so much.

Please pass on my thanks to everyone for the fantastic job that you all do.
I am looking forward to wearing my shirt and showing off my fantastic stick.

Many thanks again.

Kindest regards,

- Mark
Dear Emma,

I cannot even begin to thank you enough for my beautiful shirt and walking stick.  My shirt is stunning and is a wonderful testament to your tailoring and craftsmanship.

When I wear my shirt, I feel that people see me at my very best, as myself, rather than my injuries.  The same applies to my walking stick, rather than hiding my injuries, it gives me the support, both physically and mentally, to be out and about in my social situation.  It is beautiful, and is a constant source of compliments.

As a wounded soldier, I have now found myself in a situation, that I neither foresaw nor wanted for myself.  Despite it all, your work and commitment to helping us all with Style for Soldiers, provides us not only with the style, but the confidence to move on with our lives.

If there is ever anything at all I can do to support Style for Soldiers, please do get in touch.  I would consider it both a pleasure and a privilege.  Thank you again.

Yours ever, 

- Thomas
To Emma and your wonderful team!

Sorry it has taken awhile to write to say thank you but Dean had been away for two weeks as part of his recovery.
Anyway he tried on his shirt on Sunday night and it fits like a glove! The work and detail is just outstanding it looks so so smart.  He feels so special to wear a shirt of such quality!
We have so much gratitude and thanks for your kindness it really does make us feel very very special.
We look forward to meeting you in December where we can give you our thanks personally. 

Warm, warm regards, 

- Dean & Gen
Thank you very much.  It's a brilliant shirt, I've never owned a shirt like it.

- Ian
Hi Dear,

I am replying your email with great gratitude for your gifts to me. I will wear the shirt and carry the stick with full of pride at all times.

Much-much appreciated, 

- Deuprakash
Dear Emma,

Many thanks for last night’s wonderful gathering.

It was genuinely moving to hear about the impact that you are having on the lives of so many servicemen and women.  Truly inspiring stuff and I know our guests were thrilled to learn more about Style For Soldiers and be a part of such a fabulous celebration.
Hi Emma,

Hope you are well, I am ok , recovering well, and getting stronger.

I am still going through rehabilitation at Headley. Thanks for the shirt, it does fit just perfect and looks amazing. Did score high browny points from my wife who likes it too. I would like to thank you for lifting injured soldiers spirits up by the awesome job that you do to us. No words would thank you enough. Have a good day.

Kind Regards,

- James
Dear Emma,

Thank you very much for the shirt you sent me recently. It is lovely and was a complete surprise.

Best wishes,

- Damian
Callum looked and felt amazing in your shirt and it definitely help to improve is confidence at the Royal Garden Party.

Kind Regards, 

- Fiona
Hi Emma,

Thank you very much for letting me be part of last night.  I am sure all the introductions will help numerous soldiers.  And I must say spencer house what a stunning location and the food was to die for . Matt's speech was inspiring and he comes across so confident now.  What you have done and continue to do for all the wounded soldiers and their partners is amazing thank you.

- Kevin Long PRO

I wanted to thank you for the most incredible evening it was a real honour to be at your event. I really don’t think there was a dry eye in the house when you gave your speech.
Being at Spencer House was a an amazing experience and I have never seen such beautifully laid tables! It was incredible. Thank you.

Best Regards

- Chloe
Hi Emma

Thank you ever ever so much for shirt sorry for late reply iv been in and out hospital for brain surgery and I got the shirt and love it. I just need a suit now to go with it so on the look for one atm but my size is rather hard to find atm so I think a diet is in order.

Many thanks.


- Christopher
Hi Emma,

Hope your keeping well? I was in the middle of an average day and then a little parcel arrived with an amazing Emma Willis tie inside.
Thank you soooooo much. 

- Michael
Hi Mam,

It's lovely to hear from you. I am currently in Lilleshall, attending battle back programme. I am having a great time out here.
I can't even imagine that we have so lovely people like you in this world. We are so honoured to have you in our life, we feel so grateful. The greatest thing is you remembered us which is everything for us. Lots of charity agencies and lovely people are filling my heart; such as H4H, band of brothers/ sisters, TRBL, yourself, cake lady etc.

In overall I will never forget you all until the end of my life.

Best Regards, 

- Deuprakash
Dear Emma,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your brilliant work and wish you a wonderful party.

Many thanks and best wishes, 

- Richard
Dear Mrs Willis,

Thank you for all you continue to do for injured service personnel.  May God bless your efforts and kindness.

Yours Sincerely, 

- Leigh
Dear Emma,

Thank you so much. I use a walking stick daily due to my back, and having this walking stick really did change the way I looked at using it. I was proud to use it.

- Dan
Hi Emma,

How kind of you. He doesn't have a great deal to look forward to at the moment so we would love to what a lovely thing for us to look forward to.
I am getting his collar measurements today, and will email you details over the weekend.

Thank you again so much he has a smile on his face because of your kindness and will look forward to wearing his new shirt!

Warm regards,

- Dean and Genevieve
Dear Emma,

This is an incredibly belated note to thank you for your amazing hospitality and generosity in inviting us to the Style for Soldiers party and for the beautiful hotel room.  We had a wonderful evening and greatly enjoyed talking to your mother.  We are in awe of what you do and how much you have gone out of your way to support. The hotel was perfect - so elegant and comfortable and the most lovely staff.
I am so sorry it has taken us so long to write.  We have had you present for months and kept planning trips into London but for one reason and another, have not managed to call in to your shop.  Its been very much on our minds and we wish we had thanked you far sooner for your extraordinary kindness.
Charl's rehab is going very well and the end is in sight - he should be discharged in December.

Thank you again so much for all you have done and continue to do.  We greatly admire your determination and commitment to sharing just how much our injured troops are valued - it makes an incredible difference knowing there are people like you in the world.

- Charl & Philippa
Dearest Emma, 

So much to say! Firstly congratulations for being awarded an MBE; an honour which I think you very much deserve.  I am really looking forward to seeing you wearing it around the shop! I think celebratory champagne is in order.

Secondly well done on throwing another wonderful party at Spencer House.  As ever, great people, lovely venue and plenty of bubbly.  I do hope it helped raise some donations for Style for Soldiers.
Finally, thank you so much for my scarf! I really do love it and have been wearing constantly despite my fear of losing it.  You really shouldn't have given it to me but thank you again.

I very much look forward to seeing you soon.

- Garth
Thank you very much for the shirt Emma made me two years ago, I have worn it for some special occasions and everyone has complemented me on how smart my shirt looks.

- Marcus

Hope everything is good over there I was thinking about yourselves the other day. I'm in need of getting my shirt tailored as I've lost wait so it's too baggy now :(. I love the shirt so I need to sort it ASAP when I eventually get my wheelchair sorted I. Just a bit stuck at home at the moment as my chair is broken :(. But am sure it will get sorted soon I'm now using an computer chair that I've had adapted with large wheels to get around the house so funny :). Thanks so much here is my details for your system.

- Leigh
Thank you again, not sure what to say as I was not expecting it for free. A thank you does not seem enough to cover it but I can ensure you that I am teary eyed by this and taken back by the generosity of this gift. I am gob smacked, thank you so much, this means an awful lot to me.

- John
Hi, thank you for getting in touch with me I have problems with my short term memory and I find it hard to remember what I've done or said it gets very confusing.
Again I would like to thank yourself and Emma for everything you have done for me and those who serve in the Armed Forces, I'm not sure if your aware of how important you make us all feel.

Many kind regards,

- Ian
Hello Emma,

A week or two ago I received through the post a lovely shirt that you guys made for me, completely free of charge.  
I met you when you came to Headley Court a couple of months ago (I was the one discussing your own burst spinal fracture with you).
Thank you so much for the shirt.  It fits beautifully, and looks very smart and is very generous of you.  I wore it as couple of weeks ago on the Cavalry Memorial Parade in Hyde Park!
I’ve come on a long way from my 5 months at Headley Court, and I’m even starting to go back to work now, so fingers crossed for the future.

Thank you again for your generosity to all the injured men and women at Headley Court.

- Richard
Thanks Emma for the stick is lovely . I am building up miles now. Been out for the first time In weeks  . And I feel proud a bit now.

- Darren
May I say that your shirts are amazing, they are so comfortable and really make me feel ‘the part’ when I wear them.

- Ross
I just want to tell you that I have received my shirt and wow, it's the best shirt I've ever had and it fits perfect. I will defiantly get good use out of it in time to come when I will be going to interviews for future employment.

Thank you very very much.

Kind regards,

- Ian
Thank you Emma I am defiantly putting it down to your shirt. It brought me the confidence required and for that I am eternally grateful. I know matt also I am meeting with him again on Monday we served at the same regiment. I hope that you are well and still bringing the confidence and success to serving personnel and veterans alike.
From Dan following his successful interview with Barclays Bank.

- Dan
Hello Emma,

I hope you are well. I just wanted to thank you for the lovely shirt and walking stick that you kindly made and gave to my fiancé Dan.
He had an interview with Barclays the other day, and was touched that you messaged him to say good luck. He wore your shirt, and he looked very dapper in his suit. We also received the fantastic news yesterday that he has got the job, and they are currently putting his interview notes through the HR processes.

We also attended your Style For Soldiers party in December. I have to say that we both had a fantastic evening and it was lovely to meet others and hear of their experiences, certainly brings home just how much soldiers go through to support us all. I would also like to compliment how fantastic the food was on the evening, so much so that I would like to have the same at Dan & I's wedding!
I am sorry to randomly send a message, but I am truly touched by the help you supply with the soldiers confidence and self esteem, and I wanted to thank you. I honestly can not explain how much Dan is like his old self when he wears the shirt where his confidence is increased so much.

Thank you very much for everything you do for the soldiers and their families, I think you help a lot more than is possible to put into words.

Kindest Regards and Best Wishes,

- Rochelle Morgan
Dear Emma,

A grace note. On Saturday last, I sent you a contribution for Style for Soldiers. On my way back from the post office, I dropped by the gas station and was attended by a recently returned US Marine. I related the coincidence, and was regaled with a gush of respect for The Royal Marines, with whom the US Marine had collaborated: “Even for a US Marine, these guys were fearless, formidable, and uplifting with humour in threatening circumstances”.

- Frank
Hello Emma sorry for taking so long, My mum is down mine tomorrow so i’m going to get her to measure me as I'm clueless … is there any certain measurements you need? I have chosen a suit of m&s I just need to sort the measurements to give you the correct size. Also I’m ginger so I will let you decide what would be the best colour shirt, I have a job interview for the 24th April so I don't know what the chances of receiving it before then would be… I'm so grateful for your help, and sorry for taking so long had a bit of a set back.

Kind Regards,

- James
I shall definitely send you a pic Emma. Your photo shoot changed my life and you have been a big motivation to me. 
About three people walk to me in the Xmas dinner and ask if they can have a photo with me lol.
I was very proud and came back to stoke thinking that was not going to be the end. I shall break boundaries and work hard and achieve bigger things. Started by applying for mortgage with my savings and been jobless I got the offer to my surprise. 

I wrote this from my memory and is what is driving me on.

“Do not let the disappointments of the past fill your thoughts. It can only stress and retard your future progress. Lough at all your yesterdays and never regret the past. Never let your shadow walk you; you are not a slave of the past and waste to fresh tears over past griefs.

Today you woke up to the future and tomorrow it will be in the past too. If you are still talking about what you did yesterday you haven’t done much today. Build your dreams, let your thoughts be filled with positivity and joy for you have lived the future today and the past will build your dreams in this future.
Thank you very much. 

- Henry Sakyi
Dear Emma,

Thank you for your kind and interesting letter.

It is good to hear about the wonderful work you do. I am sure it is much appreciated by the patients. 
I would like to visit you in Jermyn Street, but I am over ninety so don't know whether I can make it, maybe in the summer?

Yours Sincerely

- Hugh
Dear Emma,

Thank you for the wonderful gifts that you have given me; for helping me to feel smart and comfortable when I was broken, for the walking stick that supported me, but didn’t look like an old man’s and feeling that although I may well now loose my career that I love so much, there are people that care and respect all of us here enough that they are willing to donate time and money to support us.
Thank you as well for the Christmas party. It was such a lovely distraction at a difficult time and a real boost to moral. Your support is such an encouragement to stay the course of rehabilitation, which is by far the most gruelling and mentally challenging thing I have done.

Please pass on my thanks to everyone involved in Style for Soldiers. It is a testament to you all that my recovery is going to well. I shall soon be too big for the shirt, and am now walking unaided, that the memory of your kindness is stronger than ever. If I can ever support SFS in any way please just ask. I would not have believed quite how significant an effect it has had on the well-being of all the guys and girls that it has helped.

Fond regards

- Tom Francis, Captain Rifles
Dear Emma,

The Style for Soldiers party on Wednesday was yet another tremendous success.  The venue was simply wonderful, the Pol Roger and canapés added to the evident style of the evening and best of all was the opportunity to catch up with so many of the wounded in such a fun environment.

Thank you for inviting me and for allowing me to bring along Ollie who has run our Band of Brother mechanic for 4 years and who is leaving to go traveling at the end of January. Thank you also for all that you have done for more of us in the 'wounded community'.  Your shirts, the sticks and, from what you were saying on the evening, grooming too, all do so much to help us feel better about ourselves at a point in our recovery when we are perhaps at our most vulnerable.

I, for me, will never forget your kindness the evening we met at Headley Court several years ago and your amazing generosity of time and spirit really do make a difference. Have a great Christmas and New Year and hopefully I'll see you in 2015.

Yours Ever

- David
Dear Mr Weston,

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have asked me to thank you for your recent letter.

Their Royal Highnesses were very touched to hear of your story and of the work of Style for Soldiers which has clearly done so much to support you to rebuild your confidence.
The Duke and Duchess thank you for writing in the way that you did and have asked me to send you their warmest best wishes.

- Miguel Head
Dear Emma,

I am so pleased you received my gift and that you like it as much as I did making it.  Though arriving home from work this afternoon and receiving a parcel that has your name on gave me quite a shock.
I can't thank you enough for my beautiful blouse, when and wherever I wear it I will feel and look a million dollars.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart, it's extremely special and very generous of you.

Thank you so much and I'm overjoyed you liked my bunting.
Take care.

Love from,

- Amanda Edwards

I would like to thank you very much for the fantastic party you put on again this year. It was great to catch up with so many people all in the recovery pathway. I know by chatting to them that the continued support you carry out is very much appreciated and means so much to all.

Please pass on my thanks to all your staff who again were fantastic hosts?
I hope you and your family have a fantastic Xmas and wish you all the very best for 2015.

- Bob Toomey
Dear Emma,

Thank you very much for my super ivory silk blouse, I feel more than a million dollars in it.  I feel sexy.  I don't feel disabled. 
I can't tell you how much it means to have bespoke tailoring.  Style for Soldiers has made me feel so much more positive and confident.  
Thanks to you all, very best wishes.
Dear Ms. Willis.

I recently saw a piece on the British soldiers from Platoon 9 that were involved in the battle of Helmand many of whom suffering very horrific injuries as a result of it. I know you care deeply for the British soldiers that serve and make wonderful tailored shirts for them around there injuries at no charge.

I am an American man with strong British roots my mother was born in England and survived the war and my grandfather was in the BRN and Commander of the HMS Victory. I also work with the Pentagon to hire returning U.S. Soldiers from their tours abroad to do what I can for them. I simply wanted to reach out to you as one human being to another and say thank you for caring about these men and offering them the chance to feel good about themselves.Your kind and selfless generosity towards these soldiers makes the world a better place. When I travel to England I will make sure I purchase many shirts from you.
Be well from across the pond.

- Chris Mallory

A fantastic, well deserved award.  You are an entrepreneur and do great things for the military heroes of this proud country of ours. 
Congratulations on your MBE.

- Jeff
Thank you very much for arranging the hotel last evening; it was perfect and was in walking distance of the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party at Spencer House.
Would you please pass on my warmest regards to Emma, it was a very touching occasion and her words to the 'soldiers' were funny and compassionate.
I would have liked to pen a response but my stroke prevent me from doing so - my arm is making good progress though!

Thank you very much,

- Danny Kaye
Hi Emma!

I hope you understand what i write and what i want to say you, my english isn't perfect :)

Thank You for invite me your Christmas party! I watch pictures and videos. It was very nice evening. Shirts what You made me is fit very well. I don't come in Headley Court anymore, I'm done. 
I still work in Estonian Defence Forces. (military sports team), i got personal gym trainer. Last year i had 3 comps. I got 3 medals, two silver and one bronze. One of silver I got Invictus Games. 
Yeah, last year went so quick, some comps, then they cut my eye, also i did my first skydive. In march i come England, eye doc. want to look my eye. 

I am not British soldier, but that what you do, that is amazing.

Thank You.

- Raigo Roots
To Emma & Staff

Thank you for all your support and selfless commitment never goes a miss.  You have a special heart, and I will cherish the times I'm in your company.  I hope 2015 continues to be a success for 'Style for Soldiers' and do hope to meet again.

"If the whole world strewn to with kind people like you, reasons for violence and anarchy would be very few.  If the whole world was filled with people who were kind, an eye for an eye wouldn't make the world blind.  Thanks for being so kind".

- Phillip & Amanda Edwards
Dear Emma and Team,

I’m writing to thank you for inviting me and some of the Clarence House and PWC teams to join the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party.  I think it was the best party yet, in a great location, with fantastic food and drink; we have a lot to thank you, the Crown Estate and Pol Roger for among many others.

It was also fantastic to meet so many different people of course, including the injured service men and women, the medical staff and the charity supporters’.  We also really enjoyed the artwork and Hatty Keane, bringing all this together and getting Mr Porter and styled and men’s fashion to our injured troops is all thanks to you and your energy Emma!

Yours ever

- Major Pete Flynn
Good morning Emma,

I just wanted  say thank you for putting on such a wonderfully inspiring party last week and for extending the invitation to me. 
The numerous stories of triumph over injury was breathtaking and I could not help but leave feeling grateful for those who fight for the country and risk their lives on a daily basis and even through adversity, continue to fight their way through recovery.

I was truly touched by their ability to bounce back, and keep their spirits high in the process and it is thanks to people like yourself who enable them to do so. It's such a great and worthy cause to support and there really should be more people like you!

I wish you all the best for this coming year and I hope you enjoy your Christmas break. 

We must catch up soon!

- Tahlia
Hi Emma,

I just wanted to send you a massive thank you and well done on a superb party at Spencer House. Both Elizabeth and I had a wonderful time and it was great to see so many old friends on such good form.
We wish you a very merry Christmas and do please let us know if we can be of any help at all in the future.

- Anthony Harris
Hi Emma,

Just a quick email to say thank you very much for inviting me to the Christmas party. I and my partner Debbie really enjoyed the evening. It was a pleasure to be in the room with so many lovely people. The event was a huge success especially for me to have the opportunity to meet all the lads that I spent many of years of re-habilitation with, it was really good to see how they have all progressed with there own recoveries, and what they are doing in there own lives now.

Also I take my hat off to you and your team especially Lottie for all your time and dedication on helping out us girls and lads. You are a pleasure to know. I wish you and all your family the very best for the future and have a lovely xmas and a very happy 2015.

- Dominic Hagan
Dear Emma

I can not thank you enough for one great evening it was great to see you and finally meet your team.
The Christmas card is the least I could do for one amazing lady.

I will keep you updated on my progress. Thanks again and it may sound like a cliche but if I can do anything for you or Style for Soldiers ....don't hesitate to ask.  

Have a great Christmas

- Louis
Dear Emma,

I would just like to thank you for last night, I had a really great time. What you have created in Style for Soldiers is truly amazing and then when you speak to the likes of Harry and Garth it is clear how much you have done for them and how much you mean to them on a very personal level. I am grateful every day that I came back from both my tours, maybe not mentally, but physically intact. And as Garth said last night for all those who didn’t, the work you do goes a long way to re-building their lives and making them feel normal again which is half the battle in their recovery. What you have done for all of those guys is amazing, thank you!

I would also like to thank you again for my shirt, which I love!

- Alex Perkins

Thank you so much for organising such a fantastic party. Please pass on my sincere thanks to everyone involved in making the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party such a memorable event. Spencer house was a magnificent venue and I met loads of really supportive and interesting people (most of them from the banking sector and fashion world).

I was one of the patients fortunate enough to have my hair done by Stefan at Headley Court prior to the event. He was brilliant and very easy to talk to. A tailored shirt and a posh hairdo certainly provides an extra boost to the confidence, I felt great and consider myself very fortunate.

Every thing you do has a really positive impact.

I cannot thank you enough!

- Chris Palgrave
Hi Emma,

Thank you for inviting me to this years Christmas Party.  I had an awesome time and had the opportunity to meet other people as well and hearing their stories.  I cannot thank you and your team enough for all of the effort you guys have been putting in, just to put a smile on our faces and to give us that self believe and hope that we lost.  God bless everybody that donated and their contribution towards the amazing work to keep the Style for Soldiers project alive.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to everyone!

- Leonard
Hi Emma,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for your kind invite to your Christmas party at Spencer House, my wife and I had a lovely time and it was really good to catch up with some familiar faces from Headley Court.

- Clive

I would like to pass on my thanks and appreciation for the time and effort went in to organising and hosting the Style for Soldiers event. Eliza and I had a wonderful time last night.
We got to see some wonderful patrons and fellow guests who I have not spoken to for a while since leaving Headley Court.
Can you please pass on our sincere thank to everyone involved, special thanks to yourself and Lottie.

- John Mudad
It was a wonderful night yesterday Emma. Me and my family had a good night and took lots of pictures that we will cherish for life.
Well done. 

- Henry Sayki
Dear Emma,

I wanted to drop you a note to thank you very much for an incredible party last night. Adam and I had, as always, an amazing time.
The time and effort you put into your events is very much appreciated and they are so wonderful to attend.
Have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

- Lizzy Buttler
Good Morning Emma

Just like to say well done for yesterday.It was a wonderful event.
You are a special lady doing special things.If there is anyway we can help please let me know.
Hatty would be great to bring awareness to the younger crowd being only 20.

Have a great Christmas and New Year.

- Michael King
I would like to say thank you very much for holding such an amazing Christmas party. Myself and my fiancée Rochelle enjoyed it very much and it left us feeling both extremely humbled and inspired. We would like to extend our thanks to Emma and her team for putting on such a lovely evening and once again thank you for our invites.
- Dan & Rochelle
To Emma,

The shirt you tailored for me is still one of the nicest items of clothing I own and I wear it to special occasions. I'm very grateful for all you have done for me and my fellows at Headley Court. 

- Callum Wagle

I received my new shirt yesterday and I absolutely love it.  It fits perfectly and Katherine thinks that it is great (which is the main thing!).  I could not be more grateful.  I am going to a Best of British Polo Tournament in India, representing the Army Polo team, so I will make sure that I wear your shirt and tell everyone about the amazing work that you are doing on behalf of wounded soldiers.  

Thank you again so much for all that you do and hopefully we will catch up soon,

- Nick Cowley
Dear Emma Willis,

It was a pleasure for Mark and myself to meet you and your team on 6 November 2014.  We were overwhelmed by your incredible hospitality and your extremely kind invitation to The Style for Soldiers Christmas Party that you are hosting.

Our chance encounter with you was a talking point with His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales that evening during a reception at Buckingham Palace.

As an injured Serviceman who has been through the journey of rehabilitation I am extremely grateful to people like yourself who provide welcome distraction and glimmer of hope for life after injury.  
Unfortunately due to operational commitments I will be unable to attend the event of 10 December 2014 but would like to express my sincere thanks for extending such a kind invitation to me. 

I hope your hard work with the Military continues as your letters from the soldiers that you have helped highlights the greater benefit your efforts provide.

We trust you will have a very enjoyable evening and I hope our paths will cross again in the future.

- Richard May
Aww Emma this is beautiful. I really had a good time and barely slept thinking if I really done all that. 
Thanks for putting me in touch with Matt. Such a perfect gentle man and hope me and him stay friends. 
I hope me and you are friends now too and am allowed to say hello sometimes or you can adopt me as one of you kids haha. 

Thank you,

- Henry Sayki
It makes you feel amazing having an Emma Willis Shirt, it is tailored to fit you.  A lot of the time being a smaller guy, shirts are big, baggy and bulky, she tailors them...It makes you feel like a comfortable guy.

- Ricky Fergusson
I just wanted to say a quick and very gracious thank you after having received my amazing walking stick in the post yesterday.
I can’t stress enough how important it feels to have such generosity from those, such as yourselves, in such a long recovery process. 

Thank you.

- Gari Mclean
Good afternoon Emma,
I popped by the shop this afternoon to say a big thank you to yourself with regards to connecting me with Gabriella. I spent a few hours with her and her assistant today and it was delightful.
I'd like to thank you for not only passing my details onto Gabriella but all the selfless acts you carry out with injured personnel in mind.
The world could do with many more people like yourself and Gabriella

- David O'Mahoney
It was nice to see you all at the shop last week. I am very pleased with my shirt, it fits perfectly. Thanks again for all that you do for us. 

- Damian Manning
I just wanted to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart, the shirt and cane that you sent me are unbelievable.
Thanks again Emma, your a star for what you and your company do.

- James Hill
Thank you so much for my walking stick, I got it a couple of weeks ago now but I was busy at Headley Court until last week. Please pass on my thank you to everyone concerned in making it. 

- Clare Bruce
Thank you so much for the swift and extremely reassuring reply! Little things like that make so much difference. 

I'm really chuffed you're able to help and I know from friends' experience that the sticks are a real help both physically and mentally.

Once again, I can't begin to tell you how privileged and pleased I am to have had this reply from you! I look forward to hearing back from you. Please also pass on my thanks to Emma and everyone there.

- Stephen Rice
Dear Emma and the team,
I wanted to say thank you so much for the shirt which arrived the other day. I absolutely love your shirts and they all fit so well.
I was fortunate enough to be at the place the other day and was proudly wearing one of your shirts!

- Oliver Thorn

I am writing to thank you for the excellent shirt I received from you. 
I received the shirt through your 'Style for soldiers' program and I am absolutely humbled by your generosity. The shirt is made with an incredible eye to detail and the craftsman ship is second to none. 
I truly cannot thank you enough for the kindness you have shown me and indeed , all the patients who have benefited from your generosity. 

- Jake
Dear Emma and Team, I have just received the shirt.  I would just like to thank you and your team.  The shirt looks great and fits like a glove.  Thank you again, the work you do for the armed forces is very appreciated.

- Chris
Hi Emma, I have just received my stick today and it's amazing.  I sincerely appreciate your help for this wonderful gift to aid my walking.  Again, thank you so much for your help.  I greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided me.

- Mutala
Hello Emma, I hope you are keeping well? Firstly let me apologise for taking such a very long time to write to you and say thank you.  When i get a lot on my plate I become a terrible excuse for a grown up and start putting things off!

With that out of the way o'd love to say a huge thank you to both you and your team for the fantastic shirt.  It really is a thing of beauty and I can't wait for my first job interview to try it out in anger.  I'd also like to send thanks for the superb Christmas doo, I had a wonderful time and met some very interesting people.  Many, many, many thanks.

- Mat
Your details have been passed on to me regarding the 'Style for Soldiers' project. 
I was severely injured on duty a few years ago and suffered substantial lower limb injuries.  With that in mind I am in need of a walking stick after my recovery and have been informed of 'Style for Soldiers' ; and the provision of sticks to those injured in need of them.

I'd be very appreciative of one of the walking sticks you provide, and of course be willing to pay for it.  I can provide any details regarding my service if you need it and I would love to be able to get a walking stick from you considering what i have heard from the other veterans. 

- Gari
Thank you so much for the shirt its fantastic Jason looks so smart in it.  He tried it with his wedding suit the other day it looked amazing, he also has some interviews regarding volunteer work with the National Trust, in the next few weeks so is feeling confident he has a shirt that fits and will make him feel confident.

Thank you for everything you do.

- Laura
I wanted to write and thank you for the invite to the Style for Soldiers event on the 12th December it was a fantastic evening and great chance to speak to other partners and share similar experiences.  It felt nice to realise that you are not alone and that the effects of what they have been through hits those closest to the guys as well as themselves.

My partner LCorp Jason Zawiasa wanted me to write to you on his behalf to thank you for everything you do with the guys at Headley Court and he felt honoured to be invited to your event and proudly wore his shirt and did so at Remembrance Sunday last year.  The event was a great chance to catch up with people he had been in hospital with and also that were previously in his Regiment, found it a great help with speaking to people about joining in with fundraisers and potential career opportunities. 

- Laura Grant
I would just like to thank you for the wonderful party it was so kind of you and also I would like to thank you for the shirt and walking stick which I love so much since i was injured, getting back on my feet was my main effort with I did even though it took my three years, but I got there for my wife and family.

I was injured on the 28th of May 2010 at 1545 in Nadi ali Afghanistan our team was securing and IED. I was shot through the neck the round/bullet shattered my C5/6 and took some of my spinal cord. Out of a team of four we were three men down, one with a broken femur and femoral artery bleed and the other had his bicep shot. We had the MERT land at the point of injury and taken to camp bastion where I was flew out in the night due to the extent of my injuries I woke up 6 days later to find my wife at my bedside and the pain was so sore then I had the news from the doctors I was paralysed from the neck down, this hit me so hard being so active to getting everything done for you, it killed me I was in selly oak for seven weeks and I got Air lifted to Middlesborough golden spinal unit where I was for 7 months. Which was better for my wife I put on a brave face when she was there and when I was on my own I go through dark times and break down crying and seeing the guys over in Afghanistan I feel the guilt being in the UK.

But I used those dark times as building blocks to get out of the bad times and remembering the words from the doctor that I will never walk again got me so mad and with that I went to physiotherapy four hours a day I wanted to prove that doctor wrong. Then I got the welcome pack for Headley court where I spent two and a half years fighting my injury. In a way Afghanistan was my war now my injury was my war,  
With constant nerve pain I went down there in a wheelchair not being able to walk but with four hours of fitness and physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy and started to use fictional electronic simulation that reacted my nerves in my right leg due to my injury I have no feeling up to my hip and no feeling in my middle finger to my little finger and with time and hours I managed to be able to to walk after a year or so just being on my feet for ten minutes felt so good and I use to video it so I could send it to my wife. Soon I was coming to the end of Headley court and I left there on a walking stick.

Before my injury I used to go running up Skiddaw in the lakes not far from our home and it was a long term goal to do it again so I walked up it and back down in six hours and raised £6.400 for the Soldiers charity ABF, And did a talk for Barclays Bank dinner night in York where we raised £12.000, and abseiled 250ft off the highest roller coaster; big one in Blackpool. If you go on youtube there a video of the walk it's called the Mark Harding the soldiers story.

Again I just to thank you Emma and your Team people like you are few and between and you have a very kind heart. 

- Mark
I hope you are well and have had a Happy Christmas and a New Year? Mine was very nice and relaxing after a hectic year, I am looking forward to getting stuck into things again in a few weeks time for an exciting year ahead!

I just wanted to drop you a quick email after hearing that your customer donated a further large amount to Wings for Warriors.  The money means so much to the charity and to me personally as it will help my friends behind me have the same opportunities I have had over the last couple of years whilst training with wings, it really wouldn't have happened without your efforts, so thank you so much!
I am sorry that i was unable to make the Christmas party but the last few months have been very busy and I have had a lot of tests, exams and even a job interview.  I passed all these wearing my Emma Willis Pilots shirt! I hope it continues to bring me luck and confidence this year as well.

I look forward to stopping by at the shop and visiting you sometime soon so say thanks again in person?

- Matthew Bryant
Thank you so much for inviting George and I to your Christmas reception last night.  I do think that you are amazing how you remember all the people who come to these events and you always make us feel so welcome, you hadn't see my daughter in law for over a year, yet you recognised her too.  I am very envious of your skill, it is such an affirming thing to be able to offer people!

Emma, last night was a huge success and must have taken a lot of organising so thank you to all your staff who had to deal with that side of the evening, and big thank you as ever for all you do to encourage and support our amazing wounded servicemen and women.

With very best wishes to you and all your team for a Happy Christmas and a very healthy, successful 2014.

- Julia and George
On behalf of Billy, Andy and myself we just wanted to say a huge thank you for an amazing night at the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party.
it was great to meet such a diverse and interesting group of people and very heart warming to hear how much respect and admiration the public has for not just the injured soldiers but for the armed forces as a whole.

The food, drink, entertainment, staff, etc were all wonderful and definitely made it a night to remember, thank you ever so much once again.  If the three of us can help out in any way with Style for Soldiers events, fundraising, please let us know as we will be more than happy to volunteer?

Please keep us informed of how Style for Soldiers develops in the future.  Have a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year. 

- Captain Denis
I hope you receive my card before Christmas, but just in case, I will use the new technology for back-up! I wanted to ensure all of your great team and yourself receive timely thanks for entertaining current and former Headley Court patients and staff so well, at your now famous Style for Soldiers Christmas Party.

It was as always very much appreciated to be re-united with so many of the patient cohort in such stylish surroundings with excellent food and drunk.  It has to be said, you have a little competition in the glamorous stakes, coming from your delightful daughters!

Hayley has also sent me a very nice message, saying how much she enjoyed catching up with so many of her former patients too. All that remains is for me to wish you team and yourself a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

- Peter
Sorry it has taken me so long to get in touch but I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your hospitality at the Christmas Party on the 12th of December.  I accompanied my husband, Mark Harding and we both had such a lovely evening.  Mark was discharged from Headley Court and the army at the end of last year and it was so nice to meet up with a lot of friends and colleagues from Headley in a lovely setting and made to feel so welcome.

I can't express enough the remarkable impact that such events have been with the injured personnel.  Your unbelievably kind words touched us both and the charity work that you do makes a huge difference to their lives. Mark has literally worn his shirt through and is ever so proud of his walking stick that he shows off to everyone.  I also have to say that we have been to a few charity events since Mark was injured but your was the first one we have been to since he was discharged.  You recognised that recovery is now a lifelong commitment and the invitation for support stays open.  You also do not segregate by injury/rank etc and I can't express how humbling that is.  Mark doesn't have many visible scars but his injury was severe and completely life changing like so many, but he has often been made to feel isolate because of this.  However, you reaffirmed my faith and they are all so equal and accomplish so much through their own personal challenges. 

My sincerest and most heartfelt thanks again.  

- Rachel
I would just like to thank you very much for the invitation to the Style for Soldiers Christmas Party.  I had an excellent time and it was great to see you again.  It was also fantastic to see many of the guys again who i've been through hospital and Headley Court with; so for that I am also extremely grateful, that events such as yours reunites those of us who will always have a unique connection.

I've always thought that we who have been injured already have our military backgrounds in common, yet the one thing that unites us all so closely from many others in the military, is that none of us chose the paths we now find ourselves upon.  However; no matter what the injuries we face, we all work incredibly hard to make the most of our 'new normal', and in doing so we will always remember those days we spent together through hospital and rehabilitation.  It is the genuinely generous and caring people like yourselves who are now part of this journey and you are always fondly remembered in our conversations.
My shirt arrived in the post! Thank you very much for it, it was unfortunate that i couldn't wear it to the party, though i think this is the fault of the mail system in Lympstone.  It fits me really well and I promise I wont spill red wine down this one, I'll either be drinking white wine from now on or drinking red wine shirtless...I am a Royal Marine after all! 

- Eddie Porter
We just wanted to say a huge thank you for last Thursday evening.  What a splendid party and you looked absolutely stunning in your gold dress! It is always so special to see some of the guys I remember from Andrew's days in hospital and at Headley and see the amazing progress they make.  What enormous pleasure it must give them all to come together at Style for Soldiers events.
I also fulfilled a life's times ambition to meet Nick Hewer from The Apprentice, my all time hero; I was totally star struck, especially as he was so charming.  I am not sure which was more exciting; that or looking into the impossibly blue eyes of David Gandy! It was also lovely to meet Alexandra and put a face to many email and phone conversations! Your generous forwarding of our newsletter meant everyone we spoke to had already heard of us and the phone has been ringing off the hook ever since! Thank you so very much.  I am sure things are super busy in the shop at the moment with Christmas shopping so I wont take up anymore of your time, but just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you very much indeed.  

- Eleanor
I may struggle to find the words to thank you for all the love and support and kindness you have shown me. Not only for the beautiful shirt you made me whilst I was at Headley Court last year but for the most amazing, and most generous party you threw for us last Thursday.  You met us all with a beautiful smile and a glass of bubbly and the whole evening was amazing.  
I was lucky enough to meet some of your amazing ladies who made my shirt and was honored to be to thank them face to face.  The guests at the party were also amazing and took the time to chat to each and everyone of us. Showing that there are a lot of people like yourself that cares for us.  I met so many wonderful people.  Your daughter and her school friends worked their socks off all night to keep our glasses full and they are also a credit to you.

For now I will sign off wishing you, your family, work force and all those amazing friends a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year.  Thank you again to you and all those supporters to Style for Soldiers.  It is very much appreciated by myself and my wounded band of brothers friends.

You put the great back into Great Britain.  It is for people like you that I signed up to the armed forces, to defend and protect, all those years ago. Thank you with all my heart.

- Gareth Griffiths
Emma, It was a pleasure to meet you last night and many thanks for organising a great night for the boys and staff at Headley.  Just talking to some of the boys and parents it's great to hear how much the effort that you make means to them...although I am afraid some of the shirts that you have delivered will never be worn as they cherish them too much!
It is a small world with Isabel (Davies) being married to my brother but great to hear that Jane has offered her services to the injured.  Everyone had a fantastic time, it was a rowdy bus on the way back and there were definitely some "thick heads" this morning!

What you do is outstanding and if there is any way I can aid you then please let me know. I don't know if you are a rugby fan but if you fancy attending a Quins game anything then again drop me a line.  
I hope we catch up again sometime.

- Howard
My name is Evan, and I am a disabled veteran, United States Marine; and also a lover of men's fashion...most notably, shirting. 
I came across your site just doing a cursory web search, but when I saw what you do for the disabled veterans in England with your Style for Soldiers, I welled up with emotion, and gratitude.  Most people in your industry wouldn't dream of contributing this way, and the genuine way you looked in the photo's with the troops show me it's not a publicity stunt, but a sincere heart-felt gift. 

- Evan
I received my shirt today in the post after seeing you some weeks ago at Headley Court.  I'd just like to say thank you very much it fits perfectly and the cuff links are a great addition.  I really appreciate what you do for us.  The shirt is that good that I don't think I could wear it for anything but special occasions! Again thank you very much Emma. 

- Mark Western
Thank you very much for the invitation to such a wonderful event.  I would have loved to attend with my husband but, very regrettably, we are unable to attend on this occasion due to moving house. 
My shirt is beautiful and much admired.  It has been a real boost to my confidence knowing that I look smart when attending interviews and work placements.  Thank you and your staff as well as all those who contribute financially through your charity for such a special gift. 

Very best wishes for you all to enjoy a fantastic evening. 

- Michelle
Thank you for the kind invitation to The Style for Soldiers Christmas Party.  I am sorry that I am unable to attend the function on the 12 December 2013 that i am sure will be a great success.  
I would however like to take this opportunity to thank you for the bespoke shirt that you sent me following your visit to Headley Court in May where you measured a considerable number of us for them taking time to record all the information with great care.  The shirt was exquisitely packaged when it arrived.

I finally had an opportunity to wear it recently on Remembrance Sunday and it fitted perfectly even though you measured me whilst I was sitting in a wheelchair and it was very comfortable to wear. 
Thank you again for the invite to the Christmas function, the shirt you send me and the tie you gave me at the time of your visit.  

- John
Many thanks for your kind invite, however i am unable to attend due to being on OPTAG training ready to deploy back to theatre next year.  Thank you once again for my shirt, and all that you have done for injured soldiers.

- Danny
I came home today to a lovely surprise package which contained a beautiful shirt. Thank you ever so much for the though, it is truly appreciated.  Really looking forward to catching up at the Style for Soldiers party on December 12th.

- Steve McCulley
I would like to thank you for the walking stick which you have so kindly provided me.  it looks fantastic and very stylish. It will certainly come in handy! 
I appreciate it very much and again, your generosity is inspiring.  

- Stephan van Niekerk
My name is SAC Matthew Elwell.  I met you about 8-9 weeks ago at Headley Court.  I am just writing to say thank you so much for a cracking shirt.  I love it.  i would like to say you are a lovely person and it was a pleasure meeting you.  Say thank you to all the people that have donated towards the making of the shirts for us lot.  

- Matt Elwell
Could you please thank Emma again for me for the stick which my wife received last month while I was at Headley Court.  
The stick couldn't have arrived at a better time as I have now been given the ok to ditch my crutches and start walking with the aid of the stick.  The stick is beautiful and can you thank all those involved to make it and send it to me.  Once again thank you all very much for the stick!! 

- Lee
Thank you very much for the surprise parcel that was delivered, via Headley Court, to my flat of regimental coloured smart shirt that you thought I may require and wear.  I will wear this, indeed, with pride at functions along with your company has already provided me with following our meeting.  

- Andy Bradford
I met you at Headley Court around eight weeks ago where you measured me for a shirt, it was delivered last week and it is a really lovely shirt.  I love the material and the fit.  I am so grateful to you and all the people that help facilitate this for us.

I was injured in 2008. I was shot twice and have struggled ever since both physically and mentally.  I have always kept it all bottled up until just recently and it isn't until I started opening up and visiting Headley Court that i realised how much support from members of the public, like yourself, there is out there.  i really can't thank you enough for the support, and the shirt! 

Please would you convey my many thanks on to the people that give so generously.  

- Shawn
At your last party, which I loved, as apart from being such fun, I also met so many amazing people, Francie introduced me to Steve McCulley and janey so we were able to give them the shop, and I also met Charlie Bowmont with Capstar Chauffeurs, and can help by telling everyone i know about them, and the lively Julia Molony with their wonderful ripple pond charity, and the fantastic Bishop of the Forces who gave me his card and told me to get in touch if i needed to find any staff.

You do not need me to tell you what a wonderful thing you have done with Style for Soldiers, but I realised after your last party, that you had also created something like a pinball machine for the evening, where people had been fed it at one end, flicked around a bit, gained speed and energy and came out the other end elated and energised.  More importantly for the servicemen, included.
If everyone who was there flicked one person on to another who could help or even listen, what further difference you made. 

- Jules
I have recently received a beautiful shirt from you as part of Style for Soldiers.  I understand that this all made possible thanks to you and your wonderful team as well as the extremely generous donations given by your clients and supporters.  I believe that I speak for every soldier touched by this scheme when I send my whole hearted appreciation for what you do.

People often throw around phrases such as selflessness and hero but what you do is certainly worthy of both. Am currently waiting an occasion worth enough of my shirt making its first appearance.  
Thank you once again for what you, your team and your clients are making possible, its acts of kindness such as these that will forever live in the memories of those it touches.  

- Janni Karakousis
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I received my cane today it is mega.  To say you do not ask for anything in return is touching.  I can't thank you enough.  
- Lcpl Oli Barnes
Thank you very much for my shirt.  You kindly visited Headley Court in August when I was a patient.  The shirt looks and fits perfectly.  Thank you again.  
- Matthew
Out of the blue, I recently received three more shirts from you, thank you so much.  I last met you four years ago at Headley Court, while recovering from injuries sustained in Afghan.  My uncle who i was staying with at the time gave it to me when I visited. 

Anyway, since I have made a full recovery, which wasn't that hard (I was the luckiest man to be blown up, beside a lot of scars, i only lost a finger) so I carried on taking part in Queens Guard and exercise in the UK, Germany and Africa, then last April I became a civilian and am living in London, retraining as a fabricator/welder with the intention of running my own business one day.  So, anyway thank you very much for being so kind. 

- Wayne
What a lovely surprise i had today when i received one of your stylish shirts,  I really didn't expect it. I would just like to thank you and your team and indeed those who donate so kindly to 'Style for Soldiers' it means so much.  

- Colin Thompson
Thank you again for inviting me to the Style for Soldiers reception last week.  I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with everyone at Headley Court, following my visit last year.
The evening was an inspirational event and i do wish you well in all you are doing to support our armed service community.  With the assurance of my prayers and will all good wishes.  

- RT Rvd Richard Moth
Thank you so much for inviting myself and so many of my colleagues from Headley Court to your Style for Soldiers Party at the Cavalry and Guards Club on 19 June 2013.  We all thoroughly enjoyed the event.  It was so great to meet up and talk with your wonderful guests such as Mr Charles Moore and Mr Robert Fox.  I was also lucky enough to have a nice chat with the beautiful Astrid and a delightful conversation with the striking Sarah Fitzpatrick from the Field Magazine, both of whom are such fantastic characters.  Stuart Croxford, Shaun Stocker, Andy Reid and myself all thoroughly enjoyed the company of Izzy and Hermione who sat with us at dinner.  I trust that your other daughter Hermione is having a good time in NY and I hope to have the pleasure of meeting her at one of your events in the future.

I would also like very much to thank you for the marvellous walking stick that you presented to me at the event.  It looks terrific and am so very thankful for it, please could you send my thanks onto the designer.  Life is made up not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things in which smiles, small acts of kindnesses and unselfish deeds are what win and preserve the heart.  Please could you pass on my sincere thanks to Lisa Armstrong and to the fantastic ladies that you employ.  As I said on the night, there is a Mayan Proverb that goes 'One pay back the loan of gold, but one lies forever in debt to those who are kind'. I know so many soldiers who have benefited from Style for Soldiers and we are so indebted to you.

I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you and your team again soon.  If there is ever anything I or any of my friends and colleagues can do to assist you in the wonderful philanthropic work that your company does please do not hesitate to contact me.  

- Bruce Ekman
My apology I couldn't make it to your event as I was having another operation.  Thank you so much for another lovely shirt.  I love it, really made my day, so, so kind of you.  Thank you.

- Peter McCombe
I would just like to say a massive thank you for my lovely new shirt and what an unexpected surprise that was. Considering it is as you said, not to my measurement, it fits an absolute treat.  I am well chuffed with it thank you and last week i wore my other Emma Willis shirt to Buckingham Palace for the Queen's Garden Party with my dark grey suit and was very comfortable all day and evening.

Many thanks to Emma Willis and the whole team for all that you do for us all here at Headley Court.

- Pte Adam Francis
My name is Lcp Oli Barnes, and I am undergoing rehab at Headley Court, a friend of mine you might know him Mike Cluff? Passed on your email address, he told me about how you make canes with regimental badges on.  I was wondering when you would be at Headley next? It would be nice to meet you.

- Lcpl Oli Barnes
I would like to take the chance to say thank you very much for the wonderful event you held this week for the injured soldiers.  I am glad to have been there and I really enjoyed it.  It was also great to see some old friends from Headley Court again.

I also would like to say that i really value and appreciate the generosity that you show towards us.  I find it very inspirational that you take the time and effort to give something back.
I also met Katherine and I believe it was your brother-in-law, forgive me for not remembering his name.  They both mentioned that they will be asking for my details, as I had a shirt made and set by you before, so i thought i would just let you know that i am happy for you to provide it if they do ask and if you don't mind. 

I hope you enjoyed the evening as much as i did.

- Stephan van Niekerk
Thank you very much for the shirt you made me it is proving its worth at many an event that people have commented on how good it looks and I have told them it is one of yours and told them about Style for Soldiers, and they have assured me that they will be making a donation.  

Thank you very much once again.

- Allan Jackson
Thank you for sending such a precious shirt.  It means a lot to me.  It was delivered in fine condition, which fits me well. Thank you.

- Anil Gurung
Thank you so much for the invite, unfortunately we are unable to attend as we are in the throws of moving house post discharge from the army, just to let you know I received my walking stick and it gets used daily.  I find myself comparing it with other sticks i see people using and I can honestly say that I have not seen better in my opinion, so thank you very much. 

- Jeff Scott
Just wanted to let you know that the shirt you made was delivered all fine and it fits perfectly, so thank you very  much for making it for me it is very appreciated!

- Dominic Thompson
Last night I saw your participation in the TV programme, "Haunted by Helmand".  As an ex-serviceman I just wanted to say how impressed and moved I was by the fantastic gesture you made in supporting our troops.

- Mark Welsh
Hi Emma, I am just writing to say thank you for the shirt it fits great and thank you for the cufflinks and boxer shorts for Christmas.  I will probably see you at Headley Court. Thank you and to the shirt girls very much.

- Michael White
I received my shirt this morning as part of the Style for Soldiers scheme, i just want to pass on my utmost thanks and gratitude, the quality of the shirt and fit is outstanding and I can honestly say that I have never owned a shirt of this quality and luxury.

As I approach my discharge date from the army, post amputation, I go into the job market and this shirt will get much use on interviews and at work alike, being so comfortable and well fitted it will give me confidence going into job interviews that a normal "off the shelf" shirt would not give me and for this i am hugely grateful.

i have not received my walking stick, however if the shirt is anything to go by I am sure that it will be just as good and I am looking forward to getting and using it when it arrives. Once again a huge thank you to Emma and the team for all you are doing to improve the morale of our injured servicemen and women and especially from myself.

- Jeff Scott
Today I received the tailored shirt that you so very kindly made for me and I have to say it is simply amazing and fits perfectly.  Being a usually off the peg primark shopper the contrast of quality has amazed me.
I really can't say how much gratitude I have for yourselves and your customers who donated.  I'm sure I say this for everyone at Headley Court that it was lovely to meet you and talk to you as we were measured and feel how passionate you were about doing it. 

Thank you again and I will definitely be returning to you in the future for styling as I will need something when i renew my vows with my wife once I can walk again and be able to stand before her at the alter.

- Adam Francis
i would just like to thank you for the tailored shirt that you sent me in the shop.  The boxers were great thank you, the fit, the surprise black shirt they are lovely. I would have wrote you a letter, but i have trouble with my eyesight. A big thank you to the girls that make them too.  It was great to see you all t the party and I hope to see you soon.

- Shaun Stocker
I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing.  I work for the NHS in Scotland today, but was an officer that looked after 147 Soldiers in Gulf War in 1990 and all that goes with that.  But you really do seem like a genuine person and I really applaud what you are doing.  You really do appreciate soldiers and their difficulties, if only the Government had a morsel of your integrity.  If I could ever do anything beyond buying a shirt, please let me know.  I will buy a shirt with pleasure.

- Ronnie
I am just writing to thank you for the shirt it fits great and thank you for the cufflinks and boxer shorts for Christmas. I will probably see you at Headley Court.  Thank you and the shirt girls very much.

- Michael
I am one of the injured soldiers you visit at Headley Court.  I received my shirt today and I love it.  I would like to thank you so much for it.  It just happens that it arrived today and today is my birthday.  I cannot show how much I appreciate this shirt.

- Luke
Wow I just took a look at your website it's done very well.  The photos from Christmas drinks look amazing.  I see Shaun attended the event, he is such a great young chap I went to visit him in North Wales.  Thank you so much for all of the fantastic work that you do for the injured soldiers. 

- Bruce Ekman
Just received the stick, absolute masterpiece.  Thank you very much and again thank you for the shirt, looks great on and great fit. 

- Terry Byrne
My twin brother and I came across to the United Kingdom, from New Zealand, in 1988 specifically to join the British Army.  We retired just before Christmas, having both completed twenty-four year's colour service. Obviously we consider ourselves immensely fortunate to have survived such a lengthy period of service, not only with our lives, but uninjured.

I first discovered Jermyn Street in 2000 and ever since it has been my favourite shopping location.  For the past four years I have been working in Whitehall.  It's close proximity obviously afforded me the luxury of being able to visit the street more regularly.  However, for some reason, your shop was unbeknown to me.  I must have strolled on by, only to enter Davidoff, before turning the corner to stop at Doctor Harris & Company on St James' Street.

On Wednesday evening, I watched the BBC programme"Life after war - Haunted by Helmand".

The following afternoon I popped into your shop to express my heartfelt admiration for the generous bespoke donations you afforded those lads for their black tie reunion.  Hopefully your attractive staff assistants have mentioned my visit.

Your website has since informed me your company's commitment to our wounded veterans extends so much further!
My utmost respect to you! It's people like you, who keep the word 'Great' in 'Great Britain'.

- Sonny Mortiboy

Emma I have just seen you on TV with Alex and his platoon, as a soldier who left before these troubles started I can still relate to how they feel and react.  What I get the impression of is that you see what you do as a small contribution, free shirts on a black tie function.  I see is as a massive morale boost (boys like to look good as well).  One person's comment doesn't count for a lot, but you are beautiful and generous.  Thank you for what you do.

- Mr Karl Boucher
I am servant warrant officer and am currently watching TV.  The fact I am no e-mailing you, should make you feel good, as a Squadron Sergeant Major I'll always do what is best for men.  For you to forfeit profit for favour makes me feel good, you're a good person.  Good for you and I wish you the best.  My brother lives in Gloucester, I will be popping in for a shirt.

- Mr Gaz Tiplady
It was a fantastic evening and great to see so much support from your friends at the guests you invited.  It was also great to catch up with Alex and some of the lads.

- Andy Reid
Just wanted to say lovely to see you yesterday, you were looking as radiant as ever! And thanks for inviting Jen and I once more to your event, a real privilege.  It was a great evening lots of familiar and new faces, great canapés and plenty of champagne! Hope it was a success for you.

- Giles Duley
I wanted to write a quick note thanking you for the amazing shirt.  I can't believe how quickly it arrived.  Having been at Headley Court for nearly 18 months, I had heard the legend of the 'Shirt Lady', but never had the pleasure of actually meeting you.  Anyway, that ended a couple of weeks ago, when I met you twice in one week!
The Medi Cinema night at BAFTA was amazing and I was touched by the generosity of everyone.  When you visited Headley it was incredible that you spent so much time fitting us for the shirts and walking sticks - you must have measured at least 20 guys! No one else other than the 'Cake Lady' is as popular and I hope you are aware of how much your kindness is appreciated by all of us.
As for the shirt itself, it is a beautiful fit and I cannot wait for an occasion to wear it.  Which leads me onto another subject that of the invitation to the Christmas drinks at the Cavalry and Guards Club on Tuesday 4th December 2012.  I would be honoured to attend and will definitely be wearing my new shirt.

 I really look forward to meeting you again.

- Major SC McCulley
So pleased that after looking for you by accident I bumped into you in the main building, I have always been lucky in some respects.  Hope the visit went well and you were not bothered by nice nurses telling of a strange man wanting to find you if so i was that strange man.  Sorry again for missing the function but Black tie please next time so i can show off my pride and joy.
Please send my heart meant best wishes to your London and Gloucester team who I will miss on the 4th but they will be in my thoughts.

- Major B F BROAD
I would be very grateful if you could tell me how I could order one of your bespoke walking sticks.  My husband was wounded in Afghanistan and was very lucky to receive a shirt from you.  At that time he was confined to a wheel chair, but now he is able to mobilise short distance with this walking stick.  He was discharged from Headley Court and the army last week and really wants a walking aid with a bit more street cred than his current one.  I would so grateful if we could order one and I am more than happy to pay for it.  

- Rachel
Just wanted to let you know that the shirt that you made me was delivered all fine and it fits perfectly so thank you very much for making it for me, it is very much appreciated.

- Dominic Thompson
I know it has been a while since you replied to my email, I have just been told that I got the job so I have to say thank you very much for my new lucky shirt. 
Job is a mechanical and electrical engineer maintaining part of Honda's production line.  

Thank you again for the shirt.

- Rob Jackson (Jacko)
I got word on Friday that Sir Adrian Swire donated £20,000 to support Monty in his career development. This should enable Monty to complete his training and get on with his life.  I really can't thank you enough, because I know the hard work you put in to connect us with Sir Swire.

Matt told me that he didn't get to fly with you when you visited last week.  Perhaps we can get something in the diary for you and your family to fly and then i can meet/thank you in person.

- Mark Radcliffe
Thank you for the invite to Style for Soldiers, but i am currently on a military exercise near Corsica doing logistics for the Royal Marines, which will have me out of the UK till December.
Thank you so much for the invite and the outstanding work that you do. You are an amazing woman and the work you do for the injured soldiers is fantastic.

 I look forward to seeing you again soon.

- Bruce Ekman

Just got home and received the shirt extremely happy with it, perfect fit and looks great, really appreciated and thank you very much.

- Tel Byrne
I would like to express my sincere thanks to you and all of your wonderful staff for the fabulous bespoke shirt that i found waiting for me when I returned from holiday.  It oozes quality, fits perfectly, the cloth is fabulous and it goes very well with a help for heroes tie.  Also waiting for my return was the lovely hand made engraved walking stick - a quality item that is a pleasure to own and use.

The time and effort that you, Jenny and your staff devote to providing these gifts through 'Style for Soldiers', is a great way to show the guys and girls that go through Headley Court that they are appreciated; it really helps lift morale.  Please extend my thanks also to your generous benefactors and supporters who make 'Style for Soldiers' possible.

I hope i get the chance to hank you in person in the not too distant future.

- Peter
Thank you so much for my EW shirt! It fits perfectly, your hard work and generosity is very much appreciated so once again a big thank you from me.

- John Weaver
I am very sorry I have only just received your invite to Style for Soldiers, I have been off work and not received any post until now.  I regret not being able to attend by thank you very much for the invite.

I would also like to thank you for the recommendation for the walking stick, this was received with great thanks, something I am very proud to own so thank you.  The shirt that you made me is getting another outing today for a job interview; hopefully it can become a lucky shirt. 

Thank you again for all of your support.

- Cpl Rob 'Jacko' Jackson

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for what you have done for me. It is extremely humbling to know that there are still special people like you that are prepared to give up their time for people like me.  
The walking stick that you arranged for me is outstanding and has been put to constant use.  Thank you for arranging it for me.  Again please except my gratitude for doing this for me; I can't wait for my shirt to arrive. I thank you in advance for everything you do for those like me.

- Bob Stevens
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit Michael, and the others, and for making him one of your fabulous shirts. It is a very beautiful shirt for a very beautiful boy, so they are very well suited.  He is extremely proud of it and I am so very proud of him.

- Rose White
Dear Emma,

Thank you for the shirt that i recently received in the post.  It fits like a glove, and looks great, even on this unsightly frame. Also the walking stick that I received from yourself is amazing.  Being able to have a nice stick in my possession takes away the oddness of having to carry a walking stick around, so thank you for that.

Do you mind passing on my thanks to the team and the people who donated.  It really does make a difference and reinforces the knowledge that the general public is right behind ourselves and the situation.

- Captain Simon Maxwell
Dear Emma,

Many thanks for the shirt that you kindly offered and made for me at Headley Court.  Apologies for not handwriting this letter, as I am still re-learning how to write and for the delay, as I left Headley Court on 4th March, to go back into hospital for another operation, then work, then yet another operation! Thankfully next planned operation is not till July now!

I have received the shirt, that you posted to my home address.  The fit is perfect and I look forward to finding a suitable venue for which it will be worthy to be worn at!

Thankfully my recovery, although still ongoing, is that of such level i am able to get back to work in some degree.

- Ian
Dear Emma,

I was fitted for a shirt today in Headley Court.  I would like to thank you for the service that you provide, on a frequent basis, to the servicemen and women during their rehab.  Although today was the first time I met you, I am in no doubt of the quality service that you provide.  I want to stress how grateful I am, not entirely for the shirt but more importantly the generous act of making the time and effort for us.  I saw the delight the guys in the ward (Neuro Rehab Unit) who had just received their new shirt.

I believe that your new clients provide substantial contributions to pay for this free service to us.  Please pass on my thanks to them as well.  Since being injured in Afghan last year, I have come to realise what positive differences these kinds of generous and supportive acts make to rehab morale and emotional well being. 

Thank you again and I look forward to receiving my shirt from one of 'The top 5 bespoke shirt makers in the world'.

- Stewart
Dear Emma,

Thank you very much for the wonderful shirt you and your team have made for me it is excellent.  Most importantly though thank you for the demonstration of support to all of us currently undergoing rehab for our injuries it means a great deal to us and is very much appreciated.

Lastly please thank all of your customers who kindly donated money to make this happen it has been a clear signal of the compassion and support shown by the public for which we are eternally grateful.

- Captain Anthony Harris
Dear Emma,

i have just received my fabulous shirt in the post, it fits fantastically well and looks and feels immaculate! I think I will definitely be the smartest attired Sergeant Major in my regiment. 
It has already had an outing and I am sure the lades were sick about me banging on about it! It is just a pity i will have no where to wear it back in Afghanistan but at least it will be hanging up waiting for me upon my return.

For some of the younger and more seriously injured lads your visit and the subsequent promise of a bespoke shirt in the post really hits home that people out in the civvy street do care, and want to do what they can.  So thank you and your company for your kind thoughts and actions, it boosted the morale of the whole place. 

Thanks again Emma.

- Jamie Brodie
Dear Emma and staff, 

Hi my name is Andy, you popped up to Headley just before xmas and kindly fitted a few of us up, I just wanted to send you all a quick note to say thank you very much for the shirt that you made for me.  
I only spent a few months at Headley Court, as we have dedicated physio's etc at my unit, but was surprised even in that short time to see how many people come in and get involved in one way or another.
The support and care I have received across the board has been nothing short of fantastic, especially medically, as I would have hoped.  However what I did not to except to see so much of is the small and sometimes not so small gestures made by so many including yourselves.

Be under no illusions that it does not cheer the guys up and is always a bonus to get a dapper tailored shirt. More though, it is what the gesture signifies. A show of care, support and appreciation always welcome I am sure. More so even from the families of the guys who have been injured. 

For me well...I am just happy that I can now pretend to have a modicum of class when I go out for a bite to eat or drink! So I guess I owe you thanks for that.
I think, if I remember right, there was another family member that night you came and measured a few of us up. Who cooked a bit of grub up for the boys.  I can't remember his name but again if you could pass on my thanks.

I dropped you guys a 'service' bottle of wine that night as a small thanks but if by any chance you or any of your staff find yourselves round Poole/Bournemouth way then do not hesitate to drop me a email, I am sure i could treat you to a drink.  

Once again thanks it is appreciated.

- Andy
Dear Emma, 

Thank you very much for the shirt.  It was kind of you to come down to Headley Court and size us all up.  Great for the morale and our scruffy appearance in general.  

- Captain Harry Parker
Dear Emma Willis,

I am an injured Royal Marine and undergoing treatment and recovery at the Defence medical rehabilitation centre, Headley Court. 
I have just received the shirt that you made and tailored for me, whilst I was at Headley Court.  The shirt is great and exactly what I wanted.  I also hear from other leads, that theirs is great as well. 
I thought I wold write back to say thanks. I and everyone else, appreciate the support that we receive from the civilian organisations and are very grateful as gestures, like this, help a lot coping with difficult, often long, recover and rehabilitation periods. 
- Matthew Bryant





My parcel arrived today, thank you so much all the stuff in there is amazing. You guys do an amazing job so again thank you.

- Oli Barnes